Love My Cute Students


I got a big Symphony bar.

And a HUGE Symphony bar.

And a box of Chocolate Mint Sandwiches.

And an awesome sand dollar ornament.

And a Cafe Rio gift card--20 freaking dollars! Seriously?!

And a miniature loaf of banana nut bread.

And a bag of candies and a cute card and Mango body butter (from one student).

And a snowflake ornament.

And a decoration that says "love many, trust few, always paddle your own canoe." Rings pretty true.

And a couple of decorated candy canes.

And a Tootsie roll canister full of Tootsie Rolls.

And a canister of Whoppers.

And (from another teacher) some hand soap from Bath & Body Works.


My kids are awesome.

My roommate got me one of those liquid sticks incense things.

My other roommate got me a Ghirardelli caramel chocolate bar.

Rachel got me Bunness pajamas.

Holly got me a cute polka dot fleece blanket!

Brianne got me a gift card to In-N-Out and Red Mango! Yesss...

The administration got me a $25 University Mall gift card.

My mom got me a Kohl's gift card. I need new clothes.

The beat goes on. Off to New York tomorrow morning.


Jake got me a dream catcher.


Brianne said…
What about your awesome In-n-Out and Red Mango gift cards? :)

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