My 19 Hour Day

I got up at 6:30 and got ready for work.

I ran around at work trying to get my resume printed for my interview with Granite School District.

I had essay conferences with students (or briefly lectured the ones without drafts) for three 80-minute periods straight.

I took fifteen minutes to eat lunch--leftovers.

I got my portfolio ready.

I monitored the school party dance for 20 minutes or so while putting the portfolio together.

I left at 2:05 PM and went to BYU.

I got my letter of recommendation from my professor's office.

I went to my interview, filled out a form, got interviewed, and left.

I walked back to my professor's office to drop off the TWS.

I walked back to my car and arrived back at work at 3:35 PM.

I graded 3 periods of journals for an hour and twenty minutes, finishing at 5 PM.

I graded and entered late work.

I left work.

I got home, updated my class website with homework assignments, etc.

I got dressed for work at Blockbuster and left at 5:53 PM.

I picked up food and arrived at work at 6:02 PM.

I worked.

While at work, I created my Christmas presents list (for others) as well as a to-do list.

I also planned next week's schedule--we're spending the week on debates for themes in Night.

I left work at 11:35 PM.

I got home from work.

I fed my fish.

I typed out a more detailed schedule for next week (including journal prompts, outline of activities, etc.).

I created a worksheet that I'll need to give my students next week.

I submitted my Teacher Work Sample on

I (immensely) edited my letter to parents regarding their students' incomplete grades. A total overhaul of my term 1 letter, really.

I checked Facebook.

I wrote this blog.

It's 1:30 AM.

Now I'm going to bed.


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