Upstate Undertakings

Oh you know. I was just in upstate New York from December 19 to the 28th to celebrate Christmas with the paternal side of the family. It was fun. I'm too lazy to recap it all so I'll do pictures and captions.

After some annoyances with Delta airlines, I arrived safely at the cabin.

This is where we spent most of our time before noon and after 10.

This is where I slept. Complete with bra.

We cut down our own tree from the property.

I was the designated camera girl.

We decorated.

Or mom and dad did, anyway.

I did some baking. We did lots of eating.

Lots of sitting around.

We hung out with Uncle Marty and Bullet.

And Mimi and PooBear

We did Christmas.

Self-photo shoots.

Chinese food.

And self-timed photo shoots.


Atul said…
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Atul said…
Wishing you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year 'self portrait girl'!
Jannifer said…
Janae, I was in upstate NY for Christmas too! Small world. And I also had issues with my delta flight. Anyway, hope you had a great Christmas!

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