Perfect Day

I was in a brief funk for a couple of days last week.

Have no fear, the atonement is here.

I've felt quite happy lately. Plus I have a job interview on Friday morning. I hope I nail it. I need a job.

I slept in today (after getting three nights of 9 hours of sleep in a row).

I got up, applied for a job or two online, and worked out.

After working out, I rinsed off, greased up, and headed down to the pool for a tanning session.

This day's weather was absolutely perfect. So warm, even when clouds blocked the sun. But never burning hot. There was a pretty consistent breeze, too. When I got down there, I dipped in the pool. It was so awesome. I remembered being a kid and going swimming all the time--the first swim of the summer was always the best. Oh but seriously, it was so relaxing and so perfect today.

After about two hours I got ready to go and headed to the movies with my cousins. We saw Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was so fun. I loved it.

Then we went to the Cocoa Bean which is of course, my favorite.

I've been wanting to go to the temple, craving the temple, for a couple of weeks now. Since today was perfect and reminded me of California weather, I decided to just sit on the temple grounds and read. I headed over with my May Ensign in hand. I sat by the water fountain in front of the Provo temple and read four or five talks out of the Ensign.

I don't know if I can describe the feelings that I had sitting outside with the sun on my back. As soon as I was on those temple grounds I felt the Spirit so strongly. The view from up there is awesome, and it makes you realize how very separate you are from the world when you're at the temple. All I could hear was the waterfall. It was so very comforting, like being at the beach, which is another place where I feel close to the Lord in the middle of his most beautiful creation. I can't do justice to the total peace and relaxation I felt there.

I saw tons of youth coming out of the temple and was astonished at the number of these worthy young kids and how they chose to spend their summer evening. I was reading the words of the leaders of the Lord's church and felt the Spirit testify to me of the truthfulness of this gospel, of the temple I was sitting in front of, and of the ordinances that go on there. It was such a strength to me to see so many amazing people going in and out of there, being faithful and diligent members of the church.

It really was so amazing to be there.

The view. This doesn't do it justice at all.

I turned off my radio on the way home because I realized it was completely disrupting the feeling I left with. I tried about 20 minutes later to turn it on while I was getting food but quickly turned it off again. Weird how so many things get in the way of the Spirit that we probably don't even realize.

After I got food I came home to watch my show which I watch, obviously, to feel touched by the movement that I see. But I also get super inspired and moved by some of these people. Teddy is my favorite again from auditions. But this guy who was deaf auditioned for the show and left me in ruins. He was amazing.

As a side note, I read A Thousand Splendid Suns in four days. I was worried that the suffering I endured with the characters for so long wouldn't be worth it in the end. It was. I definitely recommend it. I think I'm actually going to watch the Kite Runner now, since that's his other book that I read, and I never saw the movie.

Anyway, it's been a super awesome day, full of uplifting moments at the temple and beyond. I love my Savior.

Also, I apologize for the number of times I said "amazing" in this post. I'll grow a vocabulary!


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