Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (then home)


On Saturday, Krystle and I just mostly sat around. We shared music—mostly I gave her a lot of mine, and she showed me some stuff.

We headed to a local beach that had lots of lava rock for us to climb down to access the sand. It was called Kua Bay.

After tanning and stuff for a while, we came home and did more computer stuff. We finally got around to watching Up at around 9:30, so it ended a little after 11. Both movies we rented were a day late when I returned them on Sunday. Oh well.


I got up and went to church. Church was awesome. I love looking at the beautiful brown people. I saw this little 2-year old boy who was wearing a white church shirt and a lava-lava. Aside from the fact that the guy in front of me was wearing a very cool looking but extremely STINKY banana lei, church was so great. The talks were by converts. Sunday School was about Daniel and Saul and Saul’s son in the Old Testament—on friendship and downward and upward spirals. It was good. Relief Society was about the priesthood which, heaven knows, I love love love!

I took my movies back and paid my fees because I’m leaving the island. Monday evening and didn’t wanna pay even more moneys. So I came back to Krystle’s and ate lunch. We left for Hapuna Beach and laid out for like two hours. It was great because the clouds were blocking the sun which is ideal for good tans and minimal heat.

We left there and headed to Pololu again to do that twenty minute hike. But just when we got out of the car, a storm moved in super fast. We started the hike down and made it about five minutes down the first stretch when Krystle decided it’d probably be safer not to do the hike.

So we left, soaking wet! It was so funny. I loved the brief experience. We drove to Qi’s house to see if he wanted to do dinner, and we ate at a local pizza place in Kapa’au. I got a pizza that had dried tomatoes, mushrooms, and artichoke hearts on it. Mm, mmm good! That little joint also has ice cream, so of course we had to get some. I got the kona mud pie flavor, which is Kona coffee ice cream with cookie bits in it. It was so good!

We went back to Qi’s and left after about 20 minutes. Then we came home, did all our online ritual social networking check-ups… And we went to bed.


Last day in Hawaii.

I got up and tried to do some packing and some more apartment hunting online. I should’ve checked in for my flight but it didn’t matter in the long run. Krystle’s friend from Colorado College who is from Oahu was on the Big Island and gave her a call this morning. She and her mom actually wanted to head to the Place of Refuge today too! What a fabulous coincidence.

So we met up around noon for lunch at this place in Captain Cook, where the restaurant looks out over the cliff onto the bay. There were also geckos crawling around the window areas. Hm. I don’t get intrigued by them. I think they’re rather gross, but you know, I guess it’s a unique appeal.

I got a really good sandwich, and Krystle, Jasmine, and her mom Aimee got breakfast. My sandwich was good, but I was jealous of Krystle and Jasmine’s. Oh and I got a Hawaiian smoothie which was WAY good. I got what I got thinking I was taking my own check, but then Aimee grabbed it from the server and bought our food! How nice of her, being that I just met her.

This woman Aimee was extremely interesting, and quite frankly, I was very impressed with her. She is extremely intelligent, motivated, and has done a lot of good in this world. She also has a strong respect for others and their beliefs. She moved to get a fire station and ambulance put in her town sooner than 10 years, raising the money needed to do so. She also started a non-profit organization for students. It’s a music and arts after school organization set up with several schools throughout Oahu. She was an amazing, happy, enthusiastic, passionate, outspoken, well-balanced, extroverted, accomplished, intelligent woman. She talked a lot about physical, spiritual, mental, and social balance. Really, she was pretty darn great!

After we ate lunch we headed to Pu’uhonua o Honaunau, or the Place of Refuge. It was an ancient Ali’i site—where royalty dwelled. There were huts, tikis, a bay (where I saw yet another turtle!), and a great wall that separated the more sacred platforms from the other places. It was really informative and beautiful. At the end, the tour guide wanted to give prizes to whoever could say the name of the place. I asked if we could read it, and she said yeah. I read it perfectly, and I got to pick a little handwoven piece made out of the leaves of a tree. I chose the star piece because it was cute!

We headed over to a nearby park to sit at a table and eat the variety of desserts that Aimee purchased at the restaurant. We split carrot cake, key lime pie, cheesecake, coconut cream pie, and macadamia nut pie. All except the key lime were amazing—I hate key lime pie. While Aimee is a totally amazing and captivating person, she talked almost nonstop the whole day. I had to cut the conversation off at 4:40 because I needed Krystle to take me to the airport by 6 PM! Fortunately we made it as I had most of my packing done before we left.

So I headed through Hawaiian Airlines check-in, got from Kona to Honolulu, and here I sit at the present time waiting for a couple more hours to go from Honolulu to Phoenix. The flight leaves at 10:50 PM Hawaii time, and gets in to Phoenix at 7:48 AM (Phoenix time). So the flight is six hours and I lose three hours on that flight, and another hour on the flight from Phoenix to Salt Lake from 10:15 AM to 12:53 PM. I’m in an airport with no wireless and am not finding it suitable at all.

I will be glad to get home, back to my routine and productivity, and back in my own bed. I have now been to Hawaii and plan to come back sooner than later! I had a great time and took tons of pictures and spent WAY too much money. But hey, y’all, sometimes debt is worth it! ;)


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