Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in Hawaii

So yesterday (Wednesday) was fun and pretty uneventful. I ended up getting into my bathing suit and sun dress to head to the beach, but we didn’t go straight there. Krystle had a couple of errands to do, then we decided to stop at the farmers market and see what they had (but I had no cash!). We walked toward the “pier” which doesn’t fit my California picture of a pier at all. Then this huge sea turtle swam up into the shallow cove where all these kids were swimming. It was SO awesome. I took video and pictures of him and couldn’t help thinking of Finding Nemo. It was amazing how comfortable he was with people just hanging out around him.

We went and got some frozen yogurt at Orange Tree where Krystle’s friend Matt surprised us with his presence.

After that we headed over to a surfing beach. It was called Pine Tree I think. There were lots of rocks and not much sand. But the water was beautiful and so clear. I found tons of the tiniest little seashells.

After we left, we headed to Krystle’s friend Tommy’s house. All her friends ended up there—Matt, Claire, Amy (was with us), Sarah, and Qi. We hung out and laughed and stuff but I was mostly uninvolved in the conversation being that it was regarding grad school and Teach for America. We went and picked up some pizzas from Costco and ate. On the way to Costco we were going down this really big hill, and Qi was hesitant to ride his breaks. He was following only kind of closely behind this big truck in front of us. So this truck started getting mad, pushing his gas and going super fast, so Qi would go fast, then the truck would slow down. After that Qi was tailgating him. Then the truck pulled over to the right and Qi passed him, but the truck followed us to Costco. So that was pretty scary and hilarious. He dropped us off at the front so we wouldn’t be involved in the confrontation that was sure to ensue. Don’t worry, it did. After we got home, we ate, talked more, and left.

When we got home we basically crashed. I had to rinse off first of course because I felt super dirty. But we’re never without action here so I had to get rid of a huge black spider that was in the shower with me.

Today (Thursday) I tried taking my great grandpa’s name to the temple, but it was locked. Some lady was nice enough to go in and see if they’d let me go in with her group that came from a different island. How blessed I am to have a temple five minutes away in Provo? They let me in and said they’d prepare a card for me but wanted me to come back in the morning so I could watch the baptism being done. Turns out my grandpa’s mom’s work has already been done.

So that was a brief and uneventful trip and a little more stressful than spiritual but it’s OK. Better luck later. Then I waited at Kaiser with Krystle for her general check-up that took forever. After that we got lunch at this Vietnamese place. I got barbecue chicken, rice, and mac/potato salad, and we shared a chicken summer roll thing. It was pretty good.

We went to two grocery stores so I could grab some stuff (Coke Zero being the most important), and we headed home.

Brianne and Nephi got to Kona today and came to pick me up to go to the Farmers’ Market down by the water. They got lost coming to pick me up because this island is so hard to navigate—no real road signs or addresses or anything. So by the time we got there I really only had like 25 minutes before needing to leave for Kohala. Nevertheless we walked around. I got some presents for my brothers (Kona coffee for Jason, a rasta colored Hawaiian warrior for Jake). I’m still deciding on what to get for my parents and for Jared, but I’ll make return trips. I got two beautiful and yummy mangos for $5. I also bought a loaf of pineapple coconut banana bread for $5, for breakfast the next day.

Krystle and Amy came to pick me up, and we headed to Kohala. After about an hour and fifteen minutes of listening to some tunes in the car we arrived in Kapa’au at the Kamehameha festival. We didn’t know what to expect but what we found was pretty cool. First of all—free food! The chicken was amazing. The beef was tough but tasty. There was this coconut type of flan. I forget what it’s called and Krystle’s asleep. There were also some good noodles and chocolate cake. It was really cool that they did all this for free. But the main event is what got me! It was the release of a children’s book called Kohala Kuamo’o, or “The Race to Save a King.” It’s the true story of a man named Nae’ole who saved King Kamehameha from other tribes who sought to have him killed to avoid him conquering/uniting the other islands. It was written by a descendant of Nae’ole—an eleven year old boy, and illustrated by his father. We got the books for $10, and it is awesome. I’m excited to read it to my kids someday.

I was cold in this windy little town, so Krystle’s friend Qi ran home without telling us, to get me and Krystle a sweatshirt. It was so cute. After this thing, we went to Qi’s house a couple minutes away and waited for him to arrive with our sleeping supplies—air mattresses. J Amy and I slept in a room together—she got the bed and I got the air mattress. I should have pushed for the bed because my back was really angry with me when I woke up in the morning.

So on Friday morning I peeled myself a mango and had a slice of banana bread (which was just banana bread. I couldn't taste coconut or pineapple, thanks for the false advertisement!). The mango was glorious by the way. We got up early to head to watch the Kamehameha lei ceremony and parade. The leis were amazing. It started raining though, pretty heavy, during the parade. Also, at around 9:30 AM, Qi runs to me and Krystle, and hurriedly hands us melting ice cream cones. An interesting choice so early, but we ate them nevertheless.

The parade was quaint, really cute though.

After the parade Qi took us to a local surfing spot. We had to drive under a tunnel canopied by trees. It was awesome. It was a secluded little cove. There was also a family of cows that was running on through there. I took pictures and video.

After that, Qi took us to a lookout point that was absolutely amazing. I’d like to go back there and do the 20 minute hike, but none of us had thought things out that well, so we hadn’t packed for it.

We went home and packed up and headed back to Kona. We stopped at Krystle’s to get some things, and it was my first time seeing her house, which was pretty impressive actually. I’m pretty sure you get an amazing ocean view anywhere you are on this island. Krystle’s friend Claire showed up and followed us to the Schwartzes’ (for whom we are house sitting). We hung out at the house for a few hours, playing on the computer, munching on snacks. Then we decided to go eat at a Thai food place. I had the pad Thai. It was really, really good. We took Amy to the airport since she’s heading back to Oahu. Then we ran some errands. First we got gas at Costco and went inside to get some specs on a present for my dad—to decide whether to buy it at the farmers’ market or at Costco. I grabbed a frozen yogurt from the food court, and we left.

Krystle needed a waterproof jacket for her upcoming Vietnam trip, so we stopped at Sport Authority, but she wanted to see if she could find anything cheaper. Ross was an epic failure because they’re moving locations and have nothing left. We also went to Target where I got some necessities—chocolate covered macadamia nuts, orange juice, socks, slippers…

We came home and hung out. I showered and shaved (it had been a while). Krystle did homework type stuff for her master’s degree. I made some chocolate chip cookies (only two batches because we can make more tonight and have them warm). They’re super good! We watched the finale of Glee and basically just went to sleep after.

I tried the couch on Friday night because the master bed is really, really firm and not springy at all. It’s hurting my back like crazy. The couch worked out a little better for me.

So far today (Saturday), I’ve cleaned out Krystle’s car, eaten breakfast, and done some laundry. Krystle’s still asleep at almost 10 AM, which is really late for her. I’m contemplating waking her up. I keep getting up around 8 AM which is still late considering it's 12 PM Utah time! I'll be all messed up when I go home. Shoot.

Supposedly we’re going to go to the beach today. Around 4 PM, Brianne and Nephi are coming, and we’re going to head to Mauna Kea. We should be able to see some amazing stars from up there. I am so excited because the stars out here from ANYWHERE on the island are unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Being from LA, even Utah’s sky impressed me. But this is amazing. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a star you can’t see.

So hopefully the beach will happen and we’ll get to see this Mauna Kea business. Until then!


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