Bundt Cake and Time Travel

So first of all, I really wanted Pei Wei today on my way home from working on my classroom... Naturally, I wanted dessert afterward. It only makes perfect sense to go over to Nothing Bundt Cakes and grab myself a personal miniature red velvet cake, right?

I'd like you all to know that ever since I first had their red velvet cake in April, I cannot fully enjoy any other kind. It's both beautiful and tragic.

Secondly, I discovered an amazing artifact in the cleaning of my classroom today.

A time capsule! "Seriously, though?" That's what I said out loud when I found it.

Dear Person-Who-Had-My-Classroom-Before-Me, Thanks but no thanks for allowing me to inherit all of your freaking CLUTTER. Might I add that there is (was) so much crap in here that I even found these?

Come on! Why? For the love.

Third, I applied and deposited only $100 for a new apartment today. I'm very excited about the one they're reserving for me. The tenants who are leaving have been there for four years, so I will "most likely" get new carpet! Yessss! They'll have three weeks from their move out date to let maintenance go to town. I also might get some new fixtures in the kitchen or maybe some light fixtures, not sure. It all depends on what kind of shape it's all in. Also, this particular apartment is at the entrance/exit corner of the complex. It's not right in the middle of the complex, so I can get in and out super fast. My covered parking spot is SUPER close to my stairwell. I'm on the third floor (which I love, I have no one stomping above me, and no bugs). And my balcony has a view of the cemetery across the street. First I thought that was creepy, but now I'm excited because it's better than looking at the ugly parking lot! I'll also get to see/check it out before I sign my lease and everything, just to make sure it's fabulous. I'm pretty freaking excited! Only a month and four days till I say, "Peace out, Provo!" and, "Good riddance, Crestwood!"

Fourth, I called Blockbuster this morning to see when I work next week so I can schedule an oil change/travel check for my car, and Dan said I'm only scheduled on Monday! This means I can leave for home three days earlier than I planned! Yay!! I'm excited.

So much change!


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