
I'd do Dustin Kensrue. Mmmm...

OK so that's like a really crude way of putting it, but what can I say?

Thrice was amazing. And that man is hawt. So, so hot.

I've just realized that I only have two of the four volumes of the Alchemy Index of Thrice. I'd better be able to find my other two on CD or I'll be irate. Then I'll have to re-buy it.

That was one sweaty, awesome show. I am sticky and stinky and thoroughly satisfied.

We had balcony seats which was both good and bad. Super comfortable, good view... Not as much energy or feel. We were in nice cushiony seats. A good experience for Jared's first time, methinks.


Bad Veins was fun--kind of a Jet, Strokes, Modest Mouse feel to them. Two-man band, and Jared liked them. Or he was amused by the singer's spastic motions.

The Dig was fun also. Their singer was cute and had a good voice.

Kevin Devine... Kind of forgettable. They were good and all, but I'm just so focused on Thrice and hot men who can strum a guitar. Oh yeah, the singer of this band did this kind of bunny hop all over the stage. I guess it's better than just looking boring, but it was kind of funny anyway.

Favorite numbers: Come All You Weary, Artist in the Ambulance, and Image of the Invisible. Golden.

Fox Theater is amazing by the way. If you can catch a show there, do it. I'd go to MGMT tomorrow night but it's too expensive, and a Sunday. Next time. Next time.


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