Setting Aside

OK, let's first set aside that this happened today, shall we?

Again, I'll just say, karma to you, poop heads, for parking your baskets on the paint of my beautiful car. Karma, I say!!! Grr.

Let's focus now on the good things, since anger has been raging in my veins for the last several days (my apartment complex making me and my friend leave the pool because her tankini revealed a small part of her back, my work schedule being Fri/Sat till 10 this week and Fri/Sat till close next week, while other CSRs get off at 6 all of those days, my mom suggesting an outlandish idea, among other things).

First, So You Think You Can Dance is the best show ever in the world, maybe better than Glee... Because of the unspeakable joy and cathartic sorrow it provides me with. Secondly, this routine is probably one of my (and the rest of the world's) favorites EVER! Watch it!

I can't embed it. Just click it, and skip to 1:10 and you'll have a most pleasurable experience probably only comparable to some other type I shan't mention.

Before I get to my third point let me explain that teacher salaries work in steps and lanes. Student teaching or interning does not count as your first step in teaching. So after you've completed a full year long internship, you still have to start at step 1. The first 3 steps are the same salary.

(So now) Thirdly, I called the human resources office today to set up an appointment to do my new hire paperwork and whatnot (Tuesday at 10 AM, don't forget!). She said, "So you still have a contract with Provo District, is that right?" And I said, "Well I was just an intern through BYU so I am done." She calmly said, "Oh, I see. Well we're going to accept your internship as your first step, so you'll start on step 2..." like it ain't no thang, ladies and gents, that I only have to do TWO years of this salary. How freaking awesome is this? What a blessing. Tithing, people. Tithing.

Fourth, my Blockbuster manager called me this morning (woke me up actually) to tell me that I am not working tomorrow night. He said two CSRs were scheduled which isn't necessary because of Stadium of Fire. I was really excited to get off work, but my Stadium of Fire ticket had already been given to my cousin, putting a damper on my excitement. But then my uncle Bry isn't able to go and has other plans, so I still get to go with his ticket! AND see Carrie Underwood. AND meet our "new" cousin Whitley! Wooooooot! Triple whammy!

Fifth, we found my late uncle John's 19-year old daughter whom we've never been allowed to communicate with and could never find before. She's very excited, as are we! I have a new girl cousin who is my age! She has a whole new family! How awesome.

Sixth, I purchased a new 1.3 MP webcam for $13 at Big! Lots. I'm telling you guys. Big! Lots is my bff. It even hangs on my laptop so I can stick it right in the center, angled as it would be if it were built in to my camless laptop. THIRTEEN DOLLARS! My day is awesome.

Seventh, my second cousin Marla hooked me up with a new cookie recipe and some key ingredients so that I can make them pronto. I'm very excited. I was planning on making some today but...

Eighth, I had another two hour long conversation with someone I like. Instead of making cookies. So that's good. :)

Ninth, I'm driving home in two weeks! And am making a stop on the wayyyy...

Tenth, I was in the top 10 CSRs in our whole district for sales last week. I'm freaking awesome! Do Rewards, I say! Really! Do them.

Eleventh, I like sunshine. It makes me feel like this:


Sydnie said…
Somebody you like ... a stop on the way ... ooh la la. :)

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