2012 Resolutions

I'm not a big fan of new year's resolutions.

I usually like to create goals as I see fit.

However, it has come to my attention that I have been running in place for a really long time now. I'm not very happy with myself in general and thought I'd record some reasonable goals for my own sake.

1. Get to the gym (or exercise) 3 or more times per week. That's about 156 check-ins for the year (compared to last year's 112). I am already behind!
2. Get to bed by 10 PM or earlier.
3. Read scriptures every day before work.
4. Read a book a month for pleasure.
5. Learn a song on the piano (keyboard, since that's all I have).
6. Limit eating out to twice per month. (Taco Bell is a weekly thing before my Tuesday night class at the rather inconvenient time of 4:30-7:30, so this doesn't count.)
7. Pay off my credit card.

I think I'm stopping there. I need to have things that are reachable and that will benefit me pretty immediately.

I'm off to change for the gym.


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