2011 in Review

In 2011 I have...

-Dated casually--a lot!
-Been called fat, ugly, and smelly all in one message
-Been treated like crap from several guys
-Fallen in love
-Re-learned that love is not enough
-Re-learned that you will always get hurt
-Exercised 3-6 days per week all year--skipping only two weeks during intense illness
-Reached $1,000 in a savings account
-Reached over $1,400 in my 401k
-Paid off a credit card
-Paid off debt (couch, table/chairs, tv from RC Willey)
-Cooked at home a lot
-Gotten a Twitter
-Learned to say less than what I wanted to say
-Ended a school year with pretty awful students (9th graders)
-Started a school year with pretty amazing students (7th graders)
-Become a better teacher
-Tried new things in my classroom
-Seen 33% of my students get an A grade in my class
-Seen Guster in concert
-Seen Death Cab for Cutie in concert
-Seen Bright Eyes in concert
-Touched Conor Oberst
-Gotten a washer and dryer at my apartment
-Learned how to sew and made microwaveable rice bags for my family
-Learned how to make flower pens
-Become an auntie! Little Elayna.
-Eaten Indian food (chicken curry) for the first time
-Gone to a bar for the first time
-Finished reading Atlas Shrugged
-Become more politically aware
-Started listening to more dance/fast-paced music (especially at the gym)
-Gotten a really bad sunburn
-Jumped into a dumpster
-Participated in a fireworks war
-Was visually molested by a dude driving next to me
-Wore a heart monitor and found out nothing was wrong
-Obtained a job writing 400 word articles at home for some extra money
-Spent many hours on my church calling as one of two visiting teaching coordinators
-Become even more comfortable with the idea of being single
-Learned that while being alone is comfortable, memories are made with others
-Learned more about my social skills (or lack thereof)
-Learned more about couponing
-Warmed up more and more to writing for real--like an actual book...
-Gone to Park City and stayed in a fancy hotel
-Donated blood
-Gone green in shopping--re-using produce bags and using cloth bags instead of plastic grocery bags
-Been suspected as pregnant
-Fallen down in the shower
-Learned to laugh at myself a LOT more

Mostly though, this is how I feel about 2011...


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