October in Review

I try to live my life with intention.

Drifting through days, weeks, months, and seasons leaves you looking back wondering, “What did I do with my summer?” “How is it already winter?” So I try to be very purposeful about filling my spare time with things and people I love.

In October, I did a LOT of good stuff.

I took evening walks while the weather still allowed. Utah has some amazing sunsets:

(Sorry about the gross equipment in the foreground)

We drove up Big Cottonwood canyon to see if we could catch some fall colors.

I went to HAWAII from 10/3-10/9.

I went to Cornbelly’s several times (once with the fam, once with mom, three times with Danny, and once alone). I love this sunset picture.

I made lunch for 2.5 weeks for myself and one of the owners of the company I work at. He was wanting to feel better and prepare for a touch football game he was going to play.

I took down my gym so Ashleigh could move in on October 13.

I went to dinner and Scheels with Kristen.

I went to Pizzeria Limone and Cornbelly’s with Danny.

We fed the cute goats
I drove the Alpine Loop and took glorious pictures.

I ate churros with Ashleigh, even though she didn’t eat anything. Just me. I'm always eating.

I went and saw Kelsey and got to hold baby Madden.

I went to Waffle Love by myself a couple times and with Kristine once.

I've been measuring my own Biscoff and bringing it with me. Still counting those calories.

I saw lots of movies
- Old Man and the Gun on 10/27
- Bad Times at El Royale
- A Star is Born

I ran four days per week, with long runs on Saturdays.

I carved Jack Skellington with Danny

The pumpkins rotted really fast after we carved them.

I took a class on Adobe InDesign for work. Put my skills to use this month.

I made pumpkin cookies

I took pictures of beautiful leaves in the neighborhood

I went to Tom & Chee and the movies with Danny.

I made sugar cookies and caramel apples

Danny and I carved pumpkins again

Bowser and Harry Potter

And I carved a third one by myself on Halloween, while watching Hocus Pocus

Oogie Boogie

I’ve also stayed up to date on Walking Dead and Riverdale. Funny that I only watch two shows, and they start at the same time.

I listened to The Hate U Give and read Why Not Me? By Mindy Kaling. Audiobooks have been awesome for me. If you have a library card (or three, like me), download Overdrive for books and Libby for audiobooks, and get all the books for free!

I have a goal to write every day this month. I'm not sure if I will post it all on the blog or not. I am not doing a full blown novel this November, but I think regular writing is good for my mental and emotional health. So it'll be good to commit to some writing.

Here's to a November full of gratitude. On this first day of November, I'm grateful for a beautiful fall and an awesome October where I feel like I celebrated Halloween in full. I'm grateful for the amazing people in my life and for the breathtaking things I got to see in Hawaii. So much gratitude.


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