On a Cancellation

I booked my massage for last night about five or six weeks ago. I did this in person at the desk and wanted it to be right after my half marathon, but my therapist wasn’t available soon enough. So I went ahead and booked for six days after my race.

I showed up to the massage place last night at 5:25pm for a 5:30 appointment, right on time.

The lady at the front desk, Julie, said, “Oh you are early,” and said it in a way like she was hoping I would be. I gave her a slightly confused smile and nod. Sure. A whole five minutes early.

By 5:35 my massage therapist still hadn’t come to get me.

I asked the front desk if Jennica was running behind, or what the issue was. The other lady got up to go check, and said that she was in the middle of a massage, and that it would be done at 6. I was confused. My appointment was at 5:30.

An obnoxious back and forth occurred between me and the two women at the desk, where we came to an understanding about the following:
  1. I was somehow not on the schedule.
  2. Since I was not on the schedule, Julie checked me in as a woman named Jenna Bowing, who they had called and asked to come in earlier than scheduled. (This explains Julie’s relief at my “early” arrival.) My name is not Jenna.
  3. I showed them my confirmation text message from Sunday, stating my appointment day and time, and showing my confirmation.
  4. My appointment was canceled by Larissa (another front desk lady) around 2pm on Tuesday, with no notes or reason as to why.

I had no missed calls or voicemails and was happy to show them my call log. I received no notification that my appointment was canceled, and no reason was given for this at all. Julie even went so far as to ask me if anyone would have called and canceled on my behalf. Uh, no. I would kill the person who tried. Woman, I booked this thing six weeks ago and have been looking forward to it every freaking day. I showed you the confirmation text. This cancellation was not my doing.

I was in a terrible amount of pain from my workout on Tuesday (I went way too hard and heavy), so I had additional need of the massage. I started to get frustrated and emotional.

I don’t like switching massage therapists. If I like someone, I want to keep going back to them. Unfortunately, my preferred two therapists don’t have a ton of availability. So we proceeded to book an appointment for Saturday at 11am with some other lady named Megan.

About 40 minutes later, I get a phone call. It’s Julie from Myotherapy. Surprise! “I accidentally scheduled you for 11am on Friday, not Saturday.”

Oh, wow.

First, you check me in as the WRONG HUMAN.

Then, you tell me my appointment was mysteriously canceled, and imply that I had some bout with amnesia in which I canceled it myself without knowing.

Now, you booked me during my work day?

Are. You. Serious?

For real, I was at a loss.

Thankfully, Jennica (who was supposed to do my massage last night) was standing there and said she would try to get approval to come in on Saturday to do my massage instead of Jill, who I’ve never received a massage from.

So hopefully this will all work out, and I can have an amazing and glorious hour on Saturday morning with Jennica, and not Jill.

If not, I will lose my sh--, people. It will not be pretty.

It all turned out OK. I got dessert with Brittney and took a salt bath and woke up feeling much better. Bath salts are healing miracles! But please bless I get to have a massage on Saturday that is not canceled.


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