Holy Busy Life, Batman!

Wow, it's been a while since I've written. And it's not as though I haven't been dying to for some time, I just have way too much to do. Fortunately, I have today and tomorrow to write my last paper--in Spanish, mind you. Then finals, and then I'm done. Oh wait, only for FIVE DAYS till I start spring semester. Blah.

Let's start with a random thought, shall we? There was a Hispanic woman today inside McDonald's, yes, McDonald's--Tanner and I wanted breakfast, OK? And she had long hair, probably to the middle of her back. This isn't what was odd. Rather, the fact that she had half of it up in a lazy bun thing, and the bottom half down and in two un-tied braids. It was strange. I figured I need to start keeping a small notepad with me because as a writer (and as a highly critical and often mean person) I notice a lot of things that most people might not notice.

I've decided to just note some things at Blockbuster that I think are funny or annoying. When I'm bending into the drop box to get the returned movies out, and someone comes with like eight movies to return and can only manage to put one in at a time, I laugh. I sit there and wait patiently while they stick one movie in at a time. Wow, people. The slot is big enough for at LEAST two to go in at a time.

On Saturday night I had a customer who, when I asked for his Blockbuster card, set his keys down on the counter in front of me. You got it, I am suddenly his slave. I have to look through his keys and keychain cards to find his Blockbuster card because he didn't want to do it. Holy rudeness!

Amber had a huge stack of movies she was trying to put away (as in like, a three foot high stack, under her chin) and this lovely gentleman decides he doesn't want some movies, and just sets them on top of the really heavy stack she was carrying. Seriously, dude? If I decided I didn't want these ketchup packets, could I put them in your pocket? That's where you work, right? McDonald's? What kind of random, rude crap is that?

Last, all of the new movies come out on Tuesdays, right? You all have learned a new fact--Tuesdays are forever new movie days. So on Monday the new release wall gets rearranged to make space for the new movies. Cindy usually doesn't put the cards out for the movies till around 11 or 11:30. But she did it earlier last night. So this guy walks up to the counter and goes, "Can you tell me if you have any Juno or AVP-R in?" "They both come out tomorrow," I responded politely. He retorted, "Well then why are the cards there, man? Why do you guys tease us? Huh? How come you do that sh*t?" "...Because if we didn't set it up on Monday, we'd be here all night doing it?" "Fair enough," he ended. Are you kidding me? A. I don't like your attitude. B. I don't make these decisions. C. Even in my foul-mouthed days I never would have spoken like that to a stranger or an employee of some place.

Customers really aren't my cup of tea sometimes.

On another note, these girls in the apartment below me, 206, have in the past left their ginormous black trash bags out in front of their door. The stairs go straight into their door, which means you have to step over these trash bags to get by. I used to be very frustrated by this, and I'd take the trash bag and lean it against their front door 1. to get it out of the way and 2. to make it fall into their apartment when they opened their door. Yes, I'm mean, but they are inconsiderate. Besides, that's nothing compared to Tanner trying to slit the bottom of the bag open or putting it over the railing onto the awning that no one besides him can reach. The dumpster is two minutes away, and putting your trash outside your door is WT. Whisky tango, I tell you!

I tell you this because I reached the third floor yesterday, where my apartment is, to see two trash bags sitting outside our door. It wasn't me who did it. I would not look like WT or be lazy enough to put trash bags outside the door instead of taking them out. The trash has been there for like a week in our kitchen. Last time there was a bajillion pounds of trash, I took it all out by myself, stopping three times along the way having to readjust my handle on all of it. I was not going to take it out this time. It doesn't bother me to have it there, so whatever. But no, there was the one trash bag, plus another that was not even half full.

Tanner came upstairs and realized he had left something in his car, so I went with him downstairs, and we just took the trash out since we were going down. I wrote a note on the white board that verbatim went like this, "Dudes, either take the trash out, or leave it inside. Don't put it outside, the apt. 206 girls do that. It's WT." Mind you I had been up since 5:23 for the gym, was at school all day, had an hour and a half, and had to leave for work from 5 PM to 11 PM. The individual who put these trash bags outside the door was home all day. Yeah, her car hadn't moved, and she was watching TV all day. In response to my white board note, she wrote, "Then the next time you decide to put rotting chicken or moldy cake in the trash, take it out the same day. It smelled like rotting bodies in here this morning."

haha. My understanding was that the trash was to put trash in, and you take it out when it's full. Is that not how this works? Would YOU like to buy the trash bags, sister? Cuz you sure don't contribute anything else to this apartment besides taking up space in drawers with your tupperware. How about rinsing out your crusty dishes? Or what about maybe getting a bill out on time? Or how about using your own stamp instead of putting TAPE over a stamp that was detached from another envelope only to get it sent back? Or how about doing your part of the cleaning checks? Wow. "Hi, my name is lazy, and by the way, your trash is offending my nose."

I wrote back, after erasing it and re-writing it less harshly probably around four times (not joking), "Dumpster = 2 min. away if it was really that bad. And it wasn't just one person's trash in there, either." I had some other choice things written but I chose not to, for I would rather not involve myself in contention or hostility. This really would not be such a big deal if she had just stopped watching TV for a few minutes to take the trash out. But she couldn't, because it was only my chicken carcass and old cake in the trash, no one else's empty rotting milk cartons or anything, remember?

I was getting my lunch ready this morning and was on the phone to Tanner, and she walked by me out the door and neither of us acknowledged each other. *sigh* hahaaa... I love it.

I'm really not even upset or mad, I just think it's kind of funny. She'd probably read this and get super hostile at me. Good thing it's really not that big of a deal and she's leaving in 11 days.

Anyway, things are good on lots of fronts. I got two 8-9 page papers done in 6-7 hours last week. My Spanish final will probably be challenging. Tanner and I have started back up at the gym after a week of slacking due to lack of sleep. It's been good. I feel much better on days that I exercise. Tomorrow I need to do my religion final (it's take-home) and go to the mall with Tanner to get my ring sized.

Oh yes, I haven't written a blog about those things yet because, well, I'm not engaged. But in case you want to see the beauty that will be my ring, go here.

Next Wednesday, Tanner and I are flying to California to get some things taken care of. He's got an important question to ask my dad.

You guys, I've had some great spiritual experiences this week. On Friday, I think it was, I called home to try to teach a missionary discussion for my mission prep class. Dad and Jason were both busy, so I called my baby brother, Jared. He is ten. He listened to the discussion on faith, repentance, baptism, confirmation, and enduring to the end. He answered all my questions and was paying great attention. We were on the phone for over thirty minutes with this stuff. He was darling, and he thanked me for teaching him.

On Sunday I had a chance to fast, and Tanner was fasting too (we hadn't coordinated this). I was very specific in what kind of confirmations I was looking for. I felt at peace next to Tanner all day. I was happy to be with him and excited to be married to him. I kept thinking about him as my husband and what that would be like. I really was answered and felt like Heavenly Father was so mindful of me and what I needed. I prayed for confidence and excitement, and I felt that all day yesterday as well. I would smile just thinking about Tanner. It really was good.

As far as we are concerned, things are going well and are also a constant work-in-progress. I'm realizing just what a challenge it will be to always be humble and patient and to seek Heavenly Father in prayer before becoming angry or starting confrontation. Sometimes I am quick to anger, and prayer helps so much. Communication is so important--calm explanation of feelings without attacking is so important, on both sides.

We've been talking a lot about how we want things to be as far as finances, family, and running a household go. I'm getting really excited to play house, actually. Tanner will do so well as a provider and a loving cute husband. :) I am getting very excited, which excitement came through prayer and reassurance.

I think it's time to start work on my paper. Three best things though:

1. The soreness in my arms. I'm going to be so buff ;)
2. A strong body capable of taking some trash out to the dumpster.
3. Prayer. I'm so glad to have a way to communicate to my Father in Heaven and feel the compassion of Jesus Christ when I don't think anyone else can understand.


Unknown said…
I'm so excited to be married to you too.

Cute blog.

All except for the whole beyotch roommate thing.

She really is ridiculous. I say we take HER out to the dumpster.
Bri!!! said…
Oh Tanners comment made me laugh. Roommate quarrels are so lame. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that.

I'm excited for you Janae. I can't wait for you two to come down here. We need to go out to dinner. What would be fun is to go to a beach really close to my house and walk and then go to dinner. Lets figure something out. How many days are you down here for?
Cody said…
i love your ring! very pretty. and im glad you took time to teach your little brother the discussion.

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