Walk with Me

My cousin's baby was born prematurely. She was smaller than one of my cousin's hands. Madison Horne is one of many babies born in this state.

So this Saturday on May 3rd at 9:00 AM, I am participating in the March of Dimes. It starts at Pioneer Park on 500 West Center Street in Provo. If you want to walk with me on Leah's team or donate, visit this site.

I am committed to the March of Dimes mission to celebrate babies who are born healthy and to raise funds for babies who need help to survive and thrive. Please join me in this worthy cause!



Garrit Jacobson said…
Janea, you are AWESOME! Thanks for joining my team!

And CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you guys. Your engagement pictures are so cute! You look so beautiful!

See you Saturday!
Garrit Jacobson said…
Oh, and this is Leah by the way!

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