I Need to Give Thanks

I just need to write out some three best things because I'm feeling a lot of gratitude for some things right now.

One of them is that I'm friends with such amazing people. I hope you guys know that I didn't actually write that last post to have a pity party. Just was being open about some feelings of mine. Nevertheless, thank you for your encouragement and love.

Secondly, I'm grateful for kind people. After a night of dealing with aggressive, rude, or otherwise boring customers, one kind person can really make a difference. One of our customers, Mr. Hamblin, is quite a regular. He's in the store every day, sometimes multiple times a day, and I'm wondering when he'll run out of movies to see. Tonight he called to see if Lars and the Real Girl was in, and I got it for him and held it up front. He showed up to switch out his movie (he has movie pass), and threw a bag from Albertson's in front of me that contained a box of vanilla and almonds Haagen Dazs bars. Those are my absolute favorite. He told me that he appreciates us, and to remember to share with the others. It was so darling and cute and such a simple but amazing way of expressing appreciation for me and the rest of us for simply doing our JOBS. I really appreciated that and told him that those were my favorite and thanked him a couple of times. It really meant a lot to me, actually.

Lastly, I'm grateful to have a boy who keeps asking me if I'm sure I don't want a bigger ring. I dunno if you all know, but I have midget hands. Anything bigger than the ring I chose would look silly on my hand. It really is relative, and I think he can express his love to me in other ways besides a larger karat diamond. But his willingness to please me and give me what I want is adorable. Also, I am grateful that he puts up with me and loves me when I'm unable to do anything but frown as a result of the irrational emotions of PMS.

Those are my three best things today. It was kind of a hard day in lots of ways for me, mostly because of my aforementioned female-induced state, but getting distracted at work and caught up in the hilarity and goodness around me really made a difference. I had a lot of fun tonight at work, and I'm so grateful for it.

I need to get to sleep. Thanks again to all of you who read my last blog and responded so thoughtfully to it. I appreciate your encouragement.



Bri!!! said…
I want to kiss that man. What a cute guy for doing that. Sessy's are the best, and those little things make all the difference. People like that make this world a better place. What a stud. I love that you don't want a bigger diamond. Very cool Janae, and I think it's cute that Tanner is all concerned about it. Funny thing is he got the last girl a fakey:-) so it says a lot about how he cares about you (hehehe). I'm glad you wrote about this. Lets make a deal. Lets do something similar and see what happens.

Take care,


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