Fat Smash Day 5

Well, I haven't been keeping you all up to date with this whole dieting process. Still working out every day, cardio for an hour every day, and 30 minutes of lifting every other day. Actually on Fat Smash I am required to do a couple of two-a-day workouts. I did one on Tuesday, and I have to do one today. Apparently if you do two workouts a day 6 hours apart, it keeps your metabolism boosted. It's exhausting and annoying to go to the gym twice a day and shower twice a day, but whatever it takes, man!

I'm pretty hungry on this diet, although I shouldn't be. I'm allowed to have unlimited pickles, carrots, and celery (along with some other things I don't take much interest in). I can have two 100 calorie snacks, which is when I've taken advantage of sweets, but usually I've just had string cheese and four wheat crackers (yes, it's that specific).

I've had oatmeal, egg beaters, fruit, and such things for breakfast. I've been eating a lot of salad, and it's getting pretty annoying. Mostly because I get excited for a good restaurant-type salad rather than my pre-made bagged stuff that I buy. Nevertheless, I am eating specifically what he lists every day, and usually I have to eat less because I consider myself to be a "gamma" dieter. Yeah, we have to work twice as hard as everyone else to lose weight. In any case, I've enjoyed my food for the most part, and I view it as healthy. I've had the occasional craving for some delicious French fries or a big pizza, but I'm managing.

I weighed myself on Monday and pretty much promised myself I wouldn't until the following Monday. Every health and fitness expert says to just weigh yourself once a week. But I was happy to find that this morning when I cheated and weighed myself anyway, I had lost 4 lbs. That's how much I am supposed to lose in the whole week. Needless to say, I am pretty excited, and my official weigh-in on Monday is the one where I will actually believe that that weight is lost. And I will be even more glad when it actually starts to SHOW.

While I have a place to say this... You know how you feel really bad when you forget to say thank you, and the person you were supposed to thank says, "You're welcome," before giving you a chance to say thank you? Is that productive for anyone? One doesn't get the thank you he/she wanted, and the other just feels bad. This is how I feel when my roommate cleans up after my mess and leaves me a note on the white board saying, "PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES!" Yes, selves. Plural. I knew the note was to me. The other roommates have disappeared. You know, I know better than a lot of people about getting frustrated over a messy apartment, but how am I supposed to feel when you leave a note like that and give me no chance to clean it?

I'll tell her today to just ask me to clean it, and I will. She shouldn't have to ask, but I'm constantly on the go. I'm up at 5 or 6 every morning and at the gym, get ready, go to school or work, get home, and do reading and homework. Then I clean tupperware, let it dry on the sink, pack more food, and leave to be with Tanner at the Phillips' house or wherever. I really am VERY busy. And I'm not VERY messy. I will completely get to my mess once I get the chance, I don't expect anyone to clean up after me.

Anyway, just a little annoyance there. I feel bad, but that's a really crappy way of making someone feel bad.

I have four books to go for my adolescent literature assignment of reading 30 books. Yep. I'm pretty stoked. If I have it done by next Friday, I won't have to come back to class the next week. Yay! That would be nice, then I could focus on studying for my Spanish final. I think we get our test from Monday back today. That would be nice. I think I got at least a B! I worked hard to study for this test, way more than the first one. I hope it shows in my grade.

I'd better get reading. Just thought you'd all like an update on my immensely challenging physical fitness plan. Here are my three best things:

1. Classrooms with electrical outlets for laptops. It's really annoying being in a circular room with a total of four outlets, especially when a really obnoxious, argumentative know-it-all steals the seat you normally sit in, causing you to sit on the floor. Thus, I am grateful when classrooms have more outlets.

2. My commitment. I am an extreme committer. Is that even a word? haha. Really. I am so glad that when I decide to do something, I do it all the way. I hate disappointing myself. And I hate veering even a little bit off my path of commitment. I'm gung-ho on this diet and am doing a fabulous job, if I do say so myself.

3. Short books. This makes it easier for me to get my ridiculous reading assignment completed.

The Ultimate Fat Smasher,


Cody said…
thats really exciting jan! 4 pounds is awesome!
Bri!!! said…

Good Job my dear! That is really cool you are so committed to the diet. Pretty impressive. Good luck and keep us posted.
Rachel said…
Good job with everything! The books, the diet--you're on a roll.

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