Then it's nothing but work, work, work all the time...
Recognize the Princess Bride reference, anyone? Anyone? Good.
Well let's see what's new. Yesterday marked one week on the Fat Smash diet. I slacked yesterday a bit more than I would have liked (slacking consisted of 1 bite of a 3 Musketeers bar, 5 Hershey kisses, and a 130 calorie bag of popcorn. I'm fat, I know). But I had to reassure myself today that I didn't totally mess everything up, and I got on the scale: 5.25 pounds! Yay! In one week! Sweet huh? This week I get to have such things as whole wheat bread and cold cereal! It's so nice.
I had a two-a-day today--did cardio in the morning, and went back to the gym after work. It's a little annoying, like I've said before, but as long as the scale is telling my progress, I am happy. Five more pounds and I'll be back to where I like myself, though I think I'll probably keep going for a couple more cycles on this thing. I miss pizza and French fries a lot. A $1 McDonald's double chee was calling my name last night, but I ignored its beckonings.
I had a really clever idea for a blog topic yesterday, and as usual I didn't write it down, so I am without wit as of now.
What else? This coming Monday is my last day of class, and finals are next week. But this Friday will be my last day in my adolescent literature class, why? Because I finished my 28 books, baby! The professor read us one, and he's going to read us another one tomorrow, and both of them count toward our thirty. Although I started one at the gym and am over halfway through, so it will be 29. I think I will also check out this other book that I've been wanting to read called Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr. Anyway, that class will be done! DONE! bahaha.
It's weird thinking that this coming fall and winter will be my last full year at BYU. Granted that next fall I will be student teaching, but that's still only half a year.
I worked on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night! Good heavens have I had enough of Blockbuster and its customers. No, work really hasn't been that bad. Saturday though, before work, Tanner and I went and got our bedroom set! He wants to move in to the apartment ASAP, so we went ahead and got it. I should say Tanner got it. He is the breadwinner in this relationship. Good thing, too. If I were, especially as a teacher, we probably would live in his parents' basement apartment forever. Anyway our bed set is super cute. It is light taupe colored wood with a darker surface wood--kind of cherry woodish. I realized when I uploaded my pictures that I forgot to take one of the nightstand. Oh well. We got an amazing deal on everything because Tanner's dad knows the guy who is in charge of the place. It is a king sized bed. We also got a mattress and two box springs--amazing deals on those as well. All I have to say is that my spot on that mattress had better not be all molded to my future husband's body by the time I get to lay in it. Pictures!

Cute Xs huh?

This lamp goes with the handle pieces on the furniture, so we got one for the nightstand.

And this is the bedding that would go so amazingly with the type of wood that we got--We could paint one of our walls red to go with it, and it would be so cute. Unfortunately, at the RC Willey outlet, the bedding is just for presentation, not for sale. I should go back and look at the tag on it so that I can try and find it. It's so perfect!

I also wanted to talk about my Sunday. It was so good in so many ways. It was beautiful outside, which is conducive to feeling the Spirit, for me anyway... Tanner's meetings were good, they always are. Then I had an appointment with my bishop, which also was fabulous. Then I went to Tanner's apartment after church. He lives at the Branbury which is right next to the Provo River. So we decided to go for a walk in the opposite direction that we usually do. We found a good spot right on the water's edge just to stay for a little while. And we had the most amazing, quiet, romantic time right there on the river. We just stood there hugging and kissing occasionally, talking about whatever things came up. There was an amazing feeling of love and peacefulness there. Just listening to the water flowing while being held by the person you love--it was almost as good as being at the beach! ;)
Anyway so that was great, and I wanted to write it down so I wouldn't forget it someday.
I am beyond exhausted and realized that this entire past year has probably been one of the most tiring of all my life. I just realized how little sleep I get compared to what I need, how hard I work--two jobs and school full-time--and how busy I am ALL the time. I really push myself. And as exhausted as I am, I am grateful for being this way. I like being productive, and I like pushing myself. It gets frustrating feeling like I work so hard and don't really have anything ($) to show for it. But I'm learning in the process, so all is well.
To the end of classes! Huzzah!
Three Best Things
1. Rachel. I miss her. She is coming home soon! I am excited!!!!!!
2. Pickles. Yes. Calorie-free and delicious. They have been saving my life.
3. A physically able body. I am glad I can push myself as hard as I do and don't have any chronic illnesses or severe disabilities that inhibit my ability to perform, height set aside ;)
Well let's see what's new. Yesterday marked one week on the Fat Smash diet. I slacked yesterday a bit more than I would have liked (slacking consisted of 1 bite of a 3 Musketeers bar, 5 Hershey kisses, and a 130 calorie bag of popcorn. I'm fat, I know). But I had to reassure myself today that I didn't totally mess everything up, and I got on the scale: 5.25 pounds! Yay! In one week! Sweet huh? This week I get to have such things as whole wheat bread and cold cereal! It's so nice.
I had a two-a-day today--did cardio in the morning, and went back to the gym after work. It's a little annoying, like I've said before, but as long as the scale is telling my progress, I am happy. Five more pounds and I'll be back to where I like myself, though I think I'll probably keep going for a couple more cycles on this thing. I miss pizza and French fries a lot. A $1 McDonald's double chee was calling my name last night, but I ignored its beckonings.
I had a really clever idea for a blog topic yesterday, and as usual I didn't write it down, so I am without wit as of now.
What else? This coming Monday is my last day of class, and finals are next week. But this Friday will be my last day in my adolescent literature class, why? Because I finished my 28 books, baby! The professor read us one, and he's going to read us another one tomorrow, and both of them count toward our thirty. Although I started one at the gym and am over halfway through, so it will be 29. I think I will also check out this other book that I've been wanting to read called Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr. Anyway, that class will be done! DONE! bahaha.
It's weird thinking that this coming fall and winter will be my last full year at BYU. Granted that next fall I will be student teaching, but that's still only half a year.
I worked on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night! Good heavens have I had enough of Blockbuster and its customers. No, work really hasn't been that bad. Saturday though, before work, Tanner and I went and got our bedroom set! He wants to move in to the apartment ASAP, so we went ahead and got it. I should say Tanner got it. He is the breadwinner in this relationship. Good thing, too. If I were, especially as a teacher, we probably would live in his parents' basement apartment forever. Anyway our bed set is super cute. It is light taupe colored wood with a darker surface wood--kind of cherry woodish. I realized when I uploaded my pictures that I forgot to take one of the nightstand. Oh well. We got an amazing deal on everything because Tanner's dad knows the guy who is in charge of the place. It is a king sized bed. We also got a mattress and two box springs--amazing deals on those as well. All I have to say is that my spot on that mattress had better not be all molded to my future husband's body by the time I get to lay in it. Pictures!

Cute Xs huh?

This lamp goes with the handle pieces on the furniture, so we got one for the nightstand.

And this is the bedding that would go so amazingly with the type of wood that we got--We could paint one of our walls red to go with it, and it would be so cute. Unfortunately, at the RC Willey outlet, the bedding is just for presentation, not for sale. I should go back and look at the tag on it so that I can try and find it. It's so perfect!

I also wanted to talk about my Sunday. It was so good in so many ways. It was beautiful outside, which is conducive to feeling the Spirit, for me anyway... Tanner's meetings were good, they always are. Then I had an appointment with my bishop, which also was fabulous. Then I went to Tanner's apartment after church. He lives at the Branbury which is right next to the Provo River. So we decided to go for a walk in the opposite direction that we usually do. We found a good spot right on the water's edge just to stay for a little while. And we had the most amazing, quiet, romantic time right there on the river. We just stood there hugging and kissing occasionally, talking about whatever things came up. There was an amazing feeling of love and peacefulness there. Just listening to the water flowing while being held by the person you love--it was almost as good as being at the beach! ;)
Anyway so that was great, and I wanted to write it down so I wouldn't forget it someday.
I am beyond exhausted and realized that this entire past year has probably been one of the most tiring of all my life. I just realized how little sleep I get compared to what I need, how hard I work--two jobs and school full-time--and how busy I am ALL the time. I really push myself. And as exhausted as I am, I am grateful for being this way. I like being productive, and I like pushing myself. It gets frustrating feeling like I work so hard and don't really have anything ($) to show for it. But I'm learning in the process, so all is well.
To the end of classes! Huzzah!
Three Best Things
1. Rachel. I miss her. She is coming home soon! I am excited!!!!!!
2. Pickles. Yes. Calorie-free and delicious. They have been saving my life.
3. A physically able body. I am glad I can push myself as hard as I do and don't have any chronic illnesses or severe disabilities that inhibit my ability to perform, height set aside ;)
I do think that I'm going to go and buy a new Dining Room Set today, though. I saw it at Sam's Club on Tuesday. It's the coolest~a high square, cherry wood Table (I think it's about 5'X 5' with eight, yes eight chairs! I'm way past due for that as we've had this set for like 19 years.
I miss you tons and love you more.