A Perfect Date
Alright, so I know a lot of my posts are a bit random and sometimes funny. So for the sake of maintaining that, I first want to tell you all about my jeans! I blew out the back pocket of them months ago (and my wonderful mother repaired them for me). Yes, I walked around for a whole day with my left cheek exposed. For a full story, go to this blog. But I stopped wearing them because I thought I'd blow the back out again. Anyway, the jeans were always pretty darn tight! Like I felt like I was squeezing into them, but when I got them on, I found them to be flattering although uncomfortable. I put them on last night, and they were loose. What the! My legs had extra space, as did my rear end. This made me happy, and I don't think I'll be blowing out the back of them again anytime soon!
Another piece of info I thought you might like is that my latest addiction is to Diet Coke Plus. Ask Cindy--I have her sell me one on every shift we work together. It tastes better than Coke to me, which I never used to like, and it has vitamins and minerals! Okay, so they might be dumb ones like potassium ascorbate and crap but who cares, it's still added stuff that is helpful! Anyway, I enjoy my calorie-free, mineral-fused carbonated beverage.

So I usually try to keep my blogs from being far too cheesy, but I have to take a few minutes to write about my night last night.
It was Tanner and my one-year anniversary. A year ago last night, he kissed me for the first time. I guess that might seem like an odd anniversary to celebrate, but he claims we were "pretty much together" from that point on. And I have since complied with calling that our anniversary date :) In any case, we have been "together," hugging, kissing, hanging out, and dating for a year.
Because I am a "words" girl--I love words--I asked Tanner to write me a letter. I said all I wanted for our anniversary was a letter and roses. Well at 6:40, my love knocked on my door and was standing on my doorstep with a dozen beautiful red roses and a gift bag in his hands. It was adorable. I put my roses in a vase, and we opened presents on the couch.

I got him a Nixon watch which I thought was really nice. I was a little afraid he wouldn't like it. I wanted to get him a different one, but I'm not exactly rich.

It turns out he did like it, though it's not his typical kind of watch. I also got him some Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's Pieces, some of his favorite gum, and a card. He ALSO asked for a letter, which I wrote and then read to him over dinner (his idea). And I renewed his subscription for National Geographic as well.
He got me (in addition to roses and a letter, which he read to me over dinner as well) all three Dexter books. I am so excited. He also got me a Toblerone swiss chocolate (the bittersweet kind) candy bar. I will be most excited to partake of that excellence. He also gave me a gift card for Build-a-Bear! I have always wanted a Build-a-Bear because I think they are so cute! I was envious when one of my girlfriends got one in high school. So I got that gift card, and we went to dinner at P.F. Chang's which was absolutely delicious! It was his first time, and he really liked it, so I was happy. We got crispy honey chicken, lemon pepper shrimp, and shrimp chow mein (amazing!) as well as their famous lettuce wraps. After dinner we went to Build-a-Bear and had a fun time picking stuff out for my bear. He is cute with curly brown hair. He wears a t-shirt and overalls, plus cute brown sandals, and Tanner recorded a message in it for me. We got his birth certificate and everything. His name is Linus, in case you wondered. He is so cute, and I slept with him last night. :)

We went down to Cold Stone and had a fantastic experience there for a change. The girl we got gave us a lot of ice cream which is unusual these days. Tanner's was especially coffee-ish, and mine was especially sweet creamy. Really delicious. We went back to his parents' house to watch So You Think You Can Dance, but evidently the Tivo was unhooked upstairs, so it didn't record up there, and his parents had already watched it and were watching something else on the downstairs TV. So we'll have to watch it tonight after he's done with work.
We ended the night with him coming upstairs to get his stuff, hugged and gave cute little kisses, and said goodnight.
It was perfect.
I have to say the experience of writing and reading the letters to one another was really amazing. It was a catharsis, so to speak. I poured my heart into that letter and felt that it came out very well. Reading it over dinner, I got all choked up and teary-eyed and had a difficult time (also because I kept losing my voice because I'm still sick). He loved his letter and kept telling me so, and I was glad because he deserved it.
His letter to me was darling (and long!). He had a really cute time theme going on with years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. He made note of some of the qualities that he notices and appreciates about me. That is so what I wanted, and he did a great job of making me feel loved and admired. He felt bad that he didn't get to put all that he wanted into that letter, but I thought it was great. Maybe next year. He said he wants to do a letter for every anniversary. I think that is a really good idea! Reminding ourselves and each other why we love and appreciate one another every year seems like a really good, healthy thing to do.
Tomorrow, Tanner, Cody, and I are supposed to go see Wall-E. It should be really cute, and I am excited. Hopefully we can see Kung Fu Panda soon. We're supposed to float the river on Saturday, too. So I bet that will be fun. I love summer time.
I am on the third book of Harry Potter and should probably finish in the next couple of days--I'm almost half way through. It's something to do at work, so it's fun.
Anyway, I had a perfect night last night and wanted to be sure that I wrote it down. I love my fiancee. :)
Another piece of info I thought you might like is that my latest addiction is to Diet Coke Plus. Ask Cindy--I have her sell me one on every shift we work together. It tastes better than Coke to me, which I never used to like, and it has vitamins and minerals! Okay, so they might be dumb ones like potassium ascorbate and crap but who cares, it's still added stuff that is helpful! Anyway, I enjoy my calorie-free, mineral-fused carbonated beverage.
So I usually try to keep my blogs from being far too cheesy, but I have to take a few minutes to write about my night last night.
It was Tanner and my one-year anniversary. A year ago last night, he kissed me for the first time. I guess that might seem like an odd anniversary to celebrate, but he claims we were "pretty much together" from that point on. And I have since complied with calling that our anniversary date :) In any case, we have been "together," hugging, kissing, hanging out, and dating for a year.
Because I am a "words" girl--I love words--I asked Tanner to write me a letter. I said all I wanted for our anniversary was a letter and roses. Well at 6:40, my love knocked on my door and was standing on my doorstep with a dozen beautiful red roses and a gift bag in his hands. It was adorable. I put my roses in a vase, and we opened presents on the couch.
I got him a Nixon watch which I thought was really nice. I was a little afraid he wouldn't like it. I wanted to get him a different one, but I'm not exactly rich.
It turns out he did like it, though it's not his typical kind of watch. I also got him some Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's Pieces, some of his favorite gum, and a card. He ALSO asked for a letter, which I wrote and then read to him over dinner (his idea). And I renewed his subscription for National Geographic as well.
He got me (in addition to roses and a letter, which he read to me over dinner as well) all three Dexter books. I am so excited. He also got me a Toblerone swiss chocolate (the bittersweet kind) candy bar. I will be most excited to partake of that excellence. He also gave me a gift card for Build-a-Bear! I have always wanted a Build-a-Bear because I think they are so cute! I was envious when one of my girlfriends got one in high school. So I got that gift card, and we went to dinner at P.F. Chang's which was absolutely delicious! It was his first time, and he really liked it, so I was happy. We got crispy honey chicken, lemon pepper shrimp, and shrimp chow mein (amazing!) as well as their famous lettuce wraps. After dinner we went to Build-a-Bear and had a fun time picking stuff out for my bear. He is cute with curly brown hair. He wears a t-shirt and overalls, plus cute brown sandals, and Tanner recorded a message in it for me. We got his birth certificate and everything. His name is Linus, in case you wondered. He is so cute, and I slept with him last night. :)
We went down to Cold Stone and had a fantastic experience there for a change. The girl we got gave us a lot of ice cream which is unusual these days. Tanner's was especially coffee-ish, and mine was especially sweet creamy. Really delicious. We went back to his parents' house to watch So You Think You Can Dance, but evidently the Tivo was unhooked upstairs, so it didn't record up there, and his parents had already watched it and were watching something else on the downstairs TV. So we'll have to watch it tonight after he's done with work.
We ended the night with him coming upstairs to get his stuff, hugged and gave cute little kisses, and said goodnight.
It was perfect.
I have to say the experience of writing and reading the letters to one another was really amazing. It was a catharsis, so to speak. I poured my heart into that letter and felt that it came out very well. Reading it over dinner, I got all choked up and teary-eyed and had a difficult time (also because I kept losing my voice because I'm still sick). He loved his letter and kept telling me so, and I was glad because he deserved it.
His letter to me was darling (and long!). He had a really cute time theme going on with years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. He made note of some of the qualities that he notices and appreciates about me. That is so what I wanted, and he did a great job of making me feel loved and admired. He felt bad that he didn't get to put all that he wanted into that letter, but I thought it was great. Maybe next year. He said he wants to do a letter for every anniversary. I think that is a really good idea! Reminding ourselves and each other why we love and appreciate one another every year seems like a really good, healthy thing to do.
Tomorrow, Tanner, Cody, and I are supposed to go see Wall-E. It should be really cute, and I am excited. Hopefully we can see Kung Fu Panda soon. We're supposed to float the river on Saturday, too. So I bet that will be fun. I love summer time.
I am on the third book of Harry Potter and should probably finish in the next couple of days--I'm almost half way through. It's something to do at work, so it's fun.
Anyway, I had a perfect night last night and wanted to be sure that I wrote it down. I love my fiancee. :)
Good job on your jeans fitting loosely. That is awesome. I can't wait till that happens to me. It will take some time...sigh.
As for diet carbonated drinks, just something I have found throughout the years when people give them up. A lot of people I know lost 5-10 lbs when they gave up any type of carbonation. Just a thought.
Hope all is well, and I'm glad you had fun last night. So you think you can dance was great. We still haven't finished it, but will today.
Take care.