Wingardium Leviosa

That's right, kids. I'm jumping on the bandwagon that I heretofore refused to. I am beginning to read the Harry Potter saga. I checked out the first of the lovely series from the Harold B. Lee Library today. I will begin reading at the gym today.

On my list after I'm done with this series include the classics I missed out on in high school (Catcher in the Rye, Brave New World, etc.) and the British books that my Rachel so loves. Yes, this includes the Jane Austen novels I have also heretofore refused to read. It wasn't actually a blatant refusal, rather more a general disinterest. I also intend to read Wuthering Heights and whatever other great works Rachel has in her literary repertoire for me. I want to read Fight Club and Darkly Dreaming Dexter for mere entertainment value. I also am being pushed to read the Twilight Series I have heretofore been disinterested in as well. So many books, so little time. And yet I had to spend the last six weeks reading 30 adolescent literature books that I couldn't have cared less about. Awesome. Thanks for using up my time on crap instead of valuable literature.

I'm not bitter.

I am excited to read Harry Potter. Although I must say I am debating on waiting for the last two movies to come out before I read the last two books. I have loved all of the movies (shout out to Sirius Black, you were my shining star in Prisoner of Azkaban, uncle) and hate being disappointed by movies because "the books were better." So the debate in my mind shall continue.

It is cold in my office.

I have slacked on my diet really badly in the last few days. It's so hard! People come, good dinners are made for Father's Day, carnival fun in Orem requires pleasure for the tastebuds, and it's just hard! I'm back on today. I have still been working out 6 days a week for the last four weeks. Normal people who work out as much as I do probably would have lost a lot of weight without changing their eating habits. I dunno why it's so hard for me. I was doing really good but cheating kind of negates all weight loss progress. Though I am trying not to look at it that way and just start anew. And thus far today I am doing quite well, as I will tomorrow.

Another thing, I am realizing how ridiculously important and vital sleep is to me. I've known this for a while and have often opted to sleep rather than study or play late into the night as many college students do. But my body and mind really have a much more difficult time than the average person's do, I think. My heart does weird things and palpitates frequently--yesterday it went on for like 30 minutes straight. I'm incredibly emotional and grouchy. I'm overall weak in many ways. It just isn't fun. So I'm really having to go out of my way to make sure I'm sleeping. Thanks to Tanner, too, for looking out for me getting enough sleep. Although he suffers the brunt of it when I don't get enough sleep, which is probably why he cares so much ;)

Rachel comes home this Thursday. I am excited. I want to see her!!

Well, as soon as I leave here, I'm going home, going to the gym, and going to work. I hope it's not busy. Send a "slow night at Blockbuster" into the universe for me.

P.S. Currently watching the Showtime show, Dexter, which is based on the novel Darkly Dreaming Dexter , and it is amazing.

Three best things

1. Sleep. I got eight hours last night, and although the last two were broken up by my alarm clock and rabbit and anxiety and whatnot, it was nice.

2. Blankets and sweatshirts. Being in the downstairs apartment will be one freezing experience, I believe. I sat in there talking to Tanner last night, and my feet were freezing off of my legs. It's also good that I have my own personal heater named Tanner. He radiates the heat of a volcano and can withstand and appreciate pretty much any amount of coldness.

3. Chocolate. When my diet permits snacks or splurges in extremely small portions, a Hershey's Kiss or two absolutely makes my day.


Unknown said…
YAY! I'm so excited you're reading HP!! I'm seriously the biggest fan ever as you know, I can't wait to talk to you about the book where Hermione dies! UGHHHH!! Curse You JK Rowling!!

Anyway, I also think you shouldn't wait to read the last two until the movie. It is a much more interesting experience to read the books when you don't know what is going to essentially happen. I promise, the book is more fun to read first! The movies are all still my favorite even though I've read the books. Just do it!

I love you, and think you're beautiful. Just sayin.
Leah said…
Glad to hear what you're up to. I don't recommend reading all the Harry Potter books at once. You'll enjoy them more if you take it slow. They're so long...

Anyway, you're cute. Keep on posting.

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