Face It, You Need Us

I believe I've made it pretty clear that my boyfriend and I are pretty opposite in nearly every way we can be. He is an ESFP and I am an ISFJ. These are really general things and neither of us fit these descriptions to a tee. Our hope in being attracted to our opposite is that we will "become a more well-rounded, functioning unit." There's more stuff about it here.

I am a very structured and organized person. This is the way I thrive and enjoy my time, and I find myself happiest when I can check a lot of things off of a to-do list. Tanner is not so much this way. He will play and play and, as his personality profile says, "trust in his ability to improvise in any situation presented to him." In other words, he knows he can get it done a minute before it is due. He has helped me to learn to play, to learn that there is more time to get things done than I think. I have helped him to see the value of organization and completing reading assignments to get the most out of learning. (I think he may have rubbed off more on me than I on him ;).)

I was remembering last night that my friend Robin always had a song to sing to me at parties and late night sleepovers: "Every party needs a pooper, that's why we invited you. Party pooper!" I've learned to accept this about myself. It so happens that I get very irritable and unhappy when I don't sleep, so yeah, I go to bed early. It so happens that I can say no to a fun activity when I have something that I need to get done. I've been called "a grandma," as well as "boring." Party pooper, grandma, and boring. OK. I can deal with that. Because this is the way I am. I feel I know how to find a good balance of work and play, and I'll be a grandma when I need to be.

Then I wondered... Why is it that people who play harder than they work never (or rarely) get criticized? Is it because there are more of these types of people? People enjoy individuals who play and play a LOT. What concern is it of anyone's if they don't complete their responsibilities in time? I'm guessing that these are the reasons our procrastinating, fun friends rarely get criticized as much as we "boring" people.

Three quarters of our apartment (Raytch, Cara, and myself) are "the boring type." We get our stuff done and have the will power to turn down fun things if we have more pressing issues.

I've decided that both ends of this spectrum are needed. If everyone were like my Tanner, I'm pretty sure everything would be more chaotic than anyone would care to experience, and lots of things would not get done. If everyone were like my roommates and myself, the world would probably be really boring and still.

I think there's value to be found in both personality types. And I'm calling everyone out who has made fun of someone like ME and never criticizes someone for playing too hard. It's not fair. I'm done being called a party pooper and "boring." You just take us for granted!


For those of you who'd like to find out your Myers-Briggs results, you can take the test here. Many thanks to Tracy for having me take the test.


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