School Days

Tanner's sister BriAnn asked me about school the other night. I realized I had been so caught up in the dramatic, emotional part of my life that I hadn't let anyone know how the more fundamental parts are faring.

While I have you at the beginning of this post, I'm going to ask you to click on the right side to follow my blog. I hear about people who have read my blog who I never even would have fathomed. It really doesn't bother me, and it certainly doesn't freak me out. I wouldn't put my life on public display in my blog if it bothered me, would I? I'm glad people care so much! Or maybe you all just think I'm a fabulous writer. ;) Either way, I want to know who is following, whether I know you or not! So click it, blog stalkers!! (just teasing).

Oh school... How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. School stirs up so many thoughts and feelings within me that I am not sure how best to encapsulate my thoughts. First of all, school has always been my life. As you know from my fear post, I like doing things that I know I am good at. I love doing things wherein I know I can succeed. School is my strong point. It is my life.

So the school year rolls around, and I have so enjoyed my spare time just working out and reading whatever I've wanted and watching movies, that I get so upset at my lack of spare time. I'm so mad at how long my reading takes. I hate how stressed I can get. And then I realize... This is life. This is me being busy. And I really, really enjoy it, if I'm being totally honest! What will life be like after I finish student teaching next fall? No school assignments (unless I do what I've assigned my students to do, which in all likelihood will happen). No required readings. No "projects." If you think about it, I WILL be doing all of those things for the rest of my life, it's just that I'm the woman in charge. And I WANT to do it. I want to assign projects, do examples, plan lessons, grade papers. So all the assignments I'll have forever I will actually enjoy.

Anyway, I figure that since my life will be so immensely different without school, I know I will miss it! I am trying really hard to enjoy myself in this last year as well as learn a lot. Let's hope I can do it.

So let's cover this semester.

I have three classes on Monday and Wednesday, two on Tuesday and Thursday, and one on Friday.

On Monday/Wednesday/Friday, I have ELang 322 with Sister Harrison. This is a Modern American Usage class--a class that focuses both on the rules of grammar as well as the actual usage of language. It is slightly demanding, but I am taking it for my own benefit as well as my future students. It is not required for me; I just think it will be useful. My professor is great. She is so approachable and fun and nice, and she is so enthusiastic about what she teaches. She is great. I love this class.

I have religion also--LDS Marriage and Family. I was surprised to find my religion professor is very funny. The other day he said, "When I first met my wife, I knew she deserved the best, so I asked her to marry me." I liked that. haha. I am so excited for the readings in this class. Knowing what the prophets and leaders of the church have said about having a successful eternal marriage will be so helpful. There are reading topics like resolving conflict, the ability to change, intimacy in marriage, and other things. I will be doing some of the readings with Tanner. Anyway, I am looking forward to it.

I have Mexican-American Literature twice a week as well, with my professor who I had in the spring--Quackenbush. He is so laid back (perhaps to a fault), but really cool. I am not too afraid of this class (except for the writing assignments) because most of the reading is in English. It is Chicano literature--stuff like House on Mango Street and Bless Me, Ultima. The workload is considerable, but like I said, it's nothing I can't handle given the extensive Spanish reading I have done in the past.

On Tuesdays I first have American Literature (late 19th, early 20th century) with Professor Christianson, whom I have also had before (for my American Lit survey class). I signed up for a presentation on the first book which is actually this Thursday. I figured I should just get it over with. Plus, it's Mark Twain, and he's pretty much my hero. So the reading load is do-able. I gained a lot of confidence in my reading capacity this spring/summer, in case you didn't notice. Having had this professor before makes me a little less concerned about how he does things, since I already know. He is very challenging and is also into discussion and critical thinking. He is great, and I trust I will learn much from him.

I have Teaching Composition with Dr. Debbie Dean on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She is well quoted in the English Teaching world. She is truly amazing. She is so approachable and kind. She is so normal, and you can tell she loves teaching and really wants the students to benefit. So I am learning a lot, and everything she has had us do so far has been great. I am loving this class.

So overall, while my workload may sometimes seem stressful, I know it is doable. I am trying to enjoy the content and appreciate the professors to the best of my ability. My disadvantage is that I work on Tuesday nights (which I asked if I could do Thursdays instead), when that would normally be the day I could do Wednesday's and Thursday's homework. I get home around 5:40 on Monday and Wednesday, and work till 11 on Tuesdays. Do you see the complications, getting home late and not having Tuesday for homework? Oh well, I'll do my best not to freak out.

On the Janner (Janae+Tanner) front, things are going well. I am still feeling good with everything. I'm not saying it's easy. It's really hard for me to figure out how to manage myself, my feelings, my expectations, and my communication. It's too bad we can't read one another's minds from time to time. I have gotten discouraged and it has been hard, but I haven't lost steam or faith. And I love Tanner so much and really am enjoying having him and his family back! Really, I feel so lucky.

Alright, so I think that about catches everyone up. Thank you all for your prayers in my (and Tanner's) behalf. I've so felt them. Love you. And don't forget to FOLLOW MY BLOG! :)


Unknown said…
Hurray for school! It's MY FAVORITE TOO!

*Makes farting noises*
c.c. said…
alright, i admit it! i read your blog occasionally. and now you know that. :]
Rachel said…
Yay for school! It's good you're one of those people who doesn't mind being busy.

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