I Love You to Love Me...

Five things you didn't know about Janae

1. She once recorded a video with her friend Allyn to Fall Out Boy's "Dance, Dance," wherein she and her friend danced in crazy-like manners.

2. She got caught eating boogers by her mother when she was probably 3 or 4. Yep, she was one of those.

3. She gave herself an 8:30 bedtime in sixth grade.

4. She remembers every word you say and every face you make. She's even more likely to remember those things if they were negative.

5. She used to be so obsessed with the color blue that she spent $20 on a blue wig from Claire's because her mother wouldn't let her dye her hair blue.


StacyB said…
I know all of those things are true except for the first one. I must have missed out on that one ;)
Rachel said…
I demand that you resume wearing the blue wig.

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