
I keep thinking we could be happy together and work things out... That after this we'd really be able to be happy and just enjoy our time together. I keep seeing him getting back from Powell and seeing myself rejoin as part of the family for dinner on Sunday.

And then I remember all the times where I wasn't mad at him at all, and he thought something was wrong. I remember doing the dishes a couple Sundays ago, and him walking in and apologizing for not helping sooner because he was helping his dad. He was afraid I was mad at him. And I wasn't. But I was mad so often that he was in constant fear of upsetting me.

And that makes me feel like the worst girl in the world.


April said…
Hey Janae,
I'm so sorry for what you're going through...I had no idea. The only advice I really have for you is to just follow through with whatever Heavenly Father tells you to do, one way or the other, and not to second-guess his decisions. Just trust in Him and everything will work out as it's supposed to. You obviously need His comfort more than anything right now, so keep praying and relying on Him. He's the only One who can really give you the kind of strength and comfort you need. I'll say prayers for you too and you're welcome to come and hang out anytime. Love you Janae!

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