Birthday Shenanigans

Well, it started yesterday when I got home and my door was heart attacked by the compassionate service committee of Relief Society. It was super cute.

I got the present from my mom which was a stack of about six boxes (more presents for me to open! yay) filled with Ghirardelli chocolate products. 

I also got a card from two grandpas (that had money in them. Score).

Then I went to bed at 7:30 last night. I was really, really tired if you couldn't tell. I woke up probably after four complete REM cycles. Kind of ridiculous, but totally awesome.

I got myself a donut or two this morning. I had a super good day at work which included

-All six classes singing "Happy Birthday" to me
-A Dove chocolate rose from a couple of students (4th period)
-A giant Hershey's kiss from another student (3rd period)
-An "Oh shoot I forgot your present at home" from another student
-A "what do you want for your birthday because my family always gets birthday presents for my teachers" from one student
-A card filled with all sorts of sweet things from some 7th period students
-Happy Birthday text messages from tons of people who I love and adore--thank you all
-Delivered roses/flowers/balloons to my classroom from my grandparents! 

Then I stopped at ShopKo on the way home just to grab some leggings, which I did get... But I also got myself two new pairs of pants (which need to be hemmed) and three shirts. I never do things like that and am sort of weird about buying clothes. I just don't like shopping and don't like how much it all costs at one time. But I'm excited to have something different to wear to work for once. I need to hem my pants.

I got home and made a cake just in case people were going to come over after dinner. Something funny happened with it but I won't repeat it just for propriety's sake.

I got ready and looked super hot. You know. Make up. Triple barrel ironed hair. Cute outfit with new leggings.

My roommate wanted me to have my present very soon, so I opened it. It was a cute necklace that looks like this

 I love it.

Then my roommates and I left for Chili's.

SO many people came. It made me more happy than I can describe. I was even happy after Chili's told me they got rid of my favorite thing, which left me with kind of gross resorts.

Sydnee, Rob, and Amber. :)

Audrey, Holly, and Josh.

Nephi, Brianne, and roomies. :)

Karli, Cara, Raytch :)

And Mary. <3

I also got to eat a delicious molten lava cake

Not a good picture of me but oh well.

The server wasn't all too impressive being that he let everyone's drinks run out far too frequently. However, he didn't bring me a check! I asked him for it and he said just don't worry about it and to eat my cake. What an awesome dude. That makes me so happy. FREE dinner and dessert! :) 

So anyways, I got some great cards and presents which I wasn't expecting at all. Thanks Rachel, Cubby, Brianne and Nephi, Dawnielle, Sydnie, Audrey, Mary, Lindie (who couldn't come), Holly, and Josh for the thoughtful gifts and cards! And thanks Karli, Rob, Sydnee, and Amber for coming!

My birthday prizes include: aforementioned necklace, Cocoa Bean gift card, book, cake pan and professional icing mechanism, dessert plates!, a hat, Borders gift card, Cinemark movie ticket, and truffles. Dang, I'm spoiled.

Oh it was a fun day. I got home and watched tonight's Idol and will need to figure out some way to watch last night's Idol due to some recording confusion.

Tomorrow I grade journals, interview with my professor, go to the temple, and pack. For it is T minus two days till VEGAS after which I will have another fun and picture-filled blog.


StacyB said…
Loving it all. I'm so happy your birthday was great. T- minus- 1...see you in Vegas Lovey.
The Mother~
Lisa Petrarca said…
YAY...nothing better than a PERFECT birthday day!

You look gorgeous & so are definitely loved!
What the the server gave you dinner for free? Must have been your cute face, shoots.

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