I never wake up with the expectation that it will be a bad day. I tend to wake up with very few expectations, in fact. I just intend to let things play out however they may and roll with the punches. I'm sure more conscious positive thinking would do me some good, but I am by no means thinking negatively. I got up this morning before my alarm intending to get dressed, eat, and head over to the University of Utah for my reading Praxis . This is a 2-hour long test consisting of 90 multiple choice questions and 3 written responses. Not the way anyone likes to spend her Saturday morning, but it has to be done, ya know? I've been studying for the past week. I took the practice test last night and didn't do so well on it, but I tried to be confident and hope for the best. So I ate my granola, yogurt, and mango for breakfast and drove over to the U, prepared with my ticket and #2 pencils. Since I just took another Praxis not too long ago at the same place, I felt OK ...
Good Zoo pass. We have been to the zoo twice so far this year, and bought our pass on our first visit. AJ has asked to go to the zoo multiple times, but the weather is still spotty. I'm excited for more visits to the zoo. I love how small Hogle zoo is so we can knock it out in a couple of hours. And the pass is nice so we can see whatever we want, and leave and not feel stressed about it. Plus he runs around everywhere. Definitely a worthy investment for us. This makes me laugh every time Weight lifting. I finished March off strong with the Fitbliss at-home workouts. It's been really fun to get to do new workouts and mix things up. It helps me to challenge myself and feel accomplished that I did a hard thing. Pelvic floor physical therapy. Honestly, it never is comfortable having medical professionals poke around the private parts. But I've been trying to do some breathing and other things at home that seem to have made a difference for my overall tension and dysfunction....
Good The rallying. After losing my job, the number of coworkers who reached out to me via text or Instagram just to express their dismay was really kind. I felt the love and support so strongly. So many people came out of the woodwork to offer me connections and ideas. I love the way sharing hard and vulnerable moments allows others to support us; it really is an opportunity to connect. Haircut. She went two inches shorter than I asked her to, and repeatedly emphasized the importance of the length. I am still not really used to it but feel like I am getting the hang of it, and at least it doesn't take as long to wash or brush, even if I do have to style it more often than I want to. Severance. I did get one month of severance plus payout on my scheduled PTO, which my company doesn't normally do. While I wish I hadn't lost my job at all, I'm grateful I don't have to panic financially for a little bit. Christmas decorations. We decorated on November 24. As I sit he...