Vegas Fun

So I made the drive down to Vegas on Friday morning at around 9:15 AM.

Don't worry I didn't play with my phone much while driving. :) Instead I sang really loudly to keep myself awake.

By 12:40 I got to St. George and stopped to see Shivani. We chatted at her work for a little bit. It was a fun break, and it was good to see her.

So I went on the last stretch and stopped to see my cousin Natalie. I made it all the way out to her house (North Las Vegas) on a tank of gas. But she was super cute. Natalie, her fiancee, and I all went to lunch at a delicious Mexican restaurant. It was really yummy.

Somehow I made it to the Luxor valet without getting lost!

Mom met me downstairs while I waited by one of Criss Angel's numerous fancy motorcycles. She took me up to the room, and we got settled. We hung out for a little bit and kind of planned out the weekend. Then we went downstairs to eat at T&T (Tacos and Tequila) where I just had some chips and salsa and a salad. It was way good, actually.

At T&T

We're cute. :)

We went to get the tickets for the Criss Angel show. Then we went outside for my parents' cigarette break. We took a taxi over to the Bellagio where we watched the water show which was awesome.

After that we went to bed pretty early. By the way, this is my husband Criss's hummer...

We ride in it all the time. He's a great husband.

The next day (Saturday), we used our buffet tickets and had a hearty breakfast together. We waited in line to get tickets for the Bodies exhibit and the Titanic exhibit. So, we went to the Body Worlds exhibit and took a good long while in there. It was disgusting and interesting and amazing, and I loved it. It was my second time.

But! It was a beautiful day outside--clear and about 65, tops. So we decided to walk, and we walked very far! I had my heart set on M&Ms world.

We only went on two floors of it. They had so much fun stuff, but it was way expensive. Don't worry though, I got myself 6 packages of M&Ms for $5.

Here's an absolutely disgusting picture.

We walked a lot, and it was getting kind of hot, OK? And it was crowded in there. Don't judge me.

We sat for a bit and saw a couple of Venice Beach-worthy freak shows, namely Michael Jackson, robot, and Jack Sparrow impersonators. Joy. We caught a tram from Excalibur to the Mandalay Bay, where we tried to find the Shark Reef. We walked a ways and realized when we got there that it was paid admission only, and the box office was already closed. It was OK though. We just walked back to the hotel room and got ready again. For what, you ask?

My husband's show! What else? So we went and ate dinner, and saw Criss's amazing show.

Aren't we a cute couple?

Our seats were AMAZING at this show. Third row from the stage on the left side, by the aisle toward the center section. It was perfect. I'd like everyone to note that when Criss did many of his disappearing tricks, he reappeared only inches away from me. I was in such shock, or else I'd have touched him. Oh man, it was so awesome, and he's so beautiful up close. The show was highly theatrical which was to be expected. But it was entertaining in all of its abstractness. I couldn't take any pictures or I'd have gotten kicked out. We laughed quite a bit though.

After the Criss show we headed upstairs and went to bed.

I think now's a good time to interject with the fact that the whole time we were in our room, it smelled like super strong marijuana. We even switched rooms, but there was still a problem there. I think they realized it was their air conditioning, and they eventually fixed it. Also, the beds in our rooms were super duper hard, and my back hurt, and I am pretty sure I haven't gotten a bit of good rest the past several nights.

Yesterday was probably my favorite day. We got up, and mom and I decided not to use our spa tickets because it was kind of late already and we didn't feel good. So we used a couple more buffet coupons for breakfast. It was another beautiful day outside--perfect to find more shows and do more walking. But not before we visited the Titanic exhibit.

I love history like that. I love artifacts and biographies and cool discoveries. I've seen this exhibit before also. It was way sad this time, about ten years later. I can't believe how many ice warnings that ship got that they didn't heed at all. Stupid stupid stupid. Oh by the way, my "person" rode first class in an insanely awesome suite and survived the sinking.

On our way out of the Luxor, we took another look at this Pearl Factory jewelry store in the Luxor. Dad and I had glanced at it the day before. But today we decided to do it. I picked out an oyster which was guaranteed to have a pearl inside it. Only $14.99! They aim to make their money by having you set it in their jewelry. The lady who helped us was super loud and outgoing and exciting. I loved the whole experience. What was even better is that the oyster I chose had TWINS!

After this we went back up to the room for some reason. I'm trying to remember why, but I can't. We spent quite a bit of time there deciding what to do. In any case, I changed again. :)

My new hat that Audrey got me for my birthday!

I also took a video.

Then Mom wanted to get some pearls, too, so we did that. I wanted to capture the whole experience.

Mom only got one pearl. Finally, we had a taxi take us down to the Mirage so we could see the aquarium. It was just one little aquarium which we thought would've been a bigger deal. We tried to go to the dolphin exhibit, but we just missed that last opportunity. Oh well.

We walked down to Treasure Island to see the pirate show. I had to get a picture with Siegfried and Roy on my way there!

The pirate show was lame as all get out, chock full of scantily clad girls and cheesy dialogue and music. It was free I guess. So then we turned back around to go to Caesar's Palace for some other show Mom knew about. On the way I noticed that the Mirage had an outside show called The Volcano.

I thought this was way fun. It was a combination of lights, fire, and water. Spur of the moment, free, and entertaining! :)

Over at Caesar's, we wandered around a bit--into a shop full of autographed photos and posters. It was fun to look at. Then we went to the Atlantis show which was super weird and cheesy, but again, free.

I took a quick detour to Greece (or Rome, I guess--I suck) and had a picture with this pegasus and stuff. You know...

So after the show we went outside to get a taxi. While we were waiting we saw this
Oh don't worry, just a Lamborghini...

The lady took us back to our hotel a really fast and effective way. Kudos to you, Asefa. Yes, I remember her name. We had a late dinner (8:30 I think) at the buffet.

*Addendum: After we ate, we went to this gift shop right by the buffet where everything was $10. I got a new cute cuff watch--red! I also got a red leather purse, and a smallish beige and brown purse that's super cute. I also got a new red belt. It was buy four get the fifth free, so Dad got some sandals. I've needed new purses for a LONG time. Mine are beat up, and I'm too cheap to buy new ones...

Then we put some money in a couple of slots, but I didn't feel very good after all of our adventures that day, and dad wasn't feeling lucky. So, much to Mom's chagrin, we went upstairs. We got into bed around 11 after some chit chat. In the middle of the night, we were awoken to a female's sounds of what seemed to be insurmountable pleasure. I yelled, "WOW!" because I was so bugged to be woken up by it. Not getting good sleep anyways is bad enough.

This morning we all woke up and got ready pretty quickly. We had some drama checking out--getting our appropriate discounts and credits and whatnot. But we ate at the Pyramid Cafe, which was extremely good (I had an omelet and hashed browns if you were interested).

Outside we went. The valets retrieved our cars and the dude brought our luggage. I packed up my car, thanked and hugged my parents a bunch, followed them to the freeway, and was on my way around 12:45 PM (Utah time).

I stopped just past Cedar City to pee and stretch--it was the halfway point. I made it almost the rest of the way home, but my gas light came on when I got to Spanish Fork. So I had to stop with about 20 miles left to get gas (and use the restroom again, thanks to Dr. Pepper). I got home at 6:07 PM. I believe my mile thingy reads 384.5 miles traveled today.

I unpacked, read through some blogs, put on Pirates of the Caribbean (which is still going), did my four lesson plans for this week in great detail, and am now closing this blog.

I know it's epically long, but really. If you had made memories like these, wouldn't you want to record every step of the journey?


StacyB said…
Great blog and I loved our weekend together. I'm so happy your 'husband' picked his landing spot right next to you! Did you decide not to mention your new purses, etc? Lol
Carrie said…
Nay-Nay, you're soooo fun! I'm so glad to get to read about and see great pics about your awesome trip! Still wish I had been with you (I'm LOTS of fun!!!!) We'll look forward to celebrating your birthday with the family this Sunday (more presents----yippee!) Love my girl bunches! Grandma Carrie :o)

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