Cocoa Bean and Lady Gaga

So, a friend of mine told me about a new dessert place I needed to visit. This is a potential problem. I already have a serious addiction to Red Mango. Adding another (fattier) place to my list would be a mistake.

But, who cares!?

I went with Dawnielle tonight, to the Cocoa Bean, which is at Brigham's Landing by Sub Zero, El Pastorero, Jamba Juice, Burgers Supreme, whatever you know over there. I was so impressed. It's designed so amazingly. Everything is based on the cocoa bean instead of the coffee bean, obviously, which I think is a brilliant way to cater to the Provo/LDS audience. They have a fantastic drink selection (might I suggest the Irish Cremanilla, I think that's what it was called) for those of you trying to find coffee substitutes. It was fantastic. The drink selection was both hot and cold, and there is also a menu for Italian Sodas. They have a varying selection of cupcakes based on what day of the week it is. I got the Red Velvet. It was good. Dawn got the Better than Whatever cupcake which they have daily. Anyway, I am in love, and you should try this place.

I watched Amelia tonight. It's with Hilary Swank and Richard Gere. Pretty boring and just not that impressive. It was only OK for me.

I did my hair straight (with bangs) today, and one of my students told me for the second or third time that I look like Lady Gaga but with brown hair. "Has anyone ever told you that you look like Lady Gaga but with brown hair?" "Yes." "Really!?" "You've told me." "Oh, I don't remember that." What? An eighth grader not remembering something? Broken synapses? Hm. Anyway, I didn't take it as a compliment. Sorry, but she's not cute.

On my white board last week, it said "Test on Thurs/Fri." It was Thursday or Friday because block days are on those days, so it'd depend on what period you had me. On Wednesday, a student comes in, "reads" the board, and asks panicking, "We have a test today!?" I basically slapped myself on the forehead. Then I took a deep breath and calmly asked him how he could have possibly reached that conclusion. He goes, "Well it says TEST on the board!" Oh man.

I pulled in to Blockbuster today to return some movies. There had been no one there when this woman had parked. She was waiting for someone and had been for a while, I could tell. In spite of no one being in the lot, she parked like a douchebag. Totally half in one spot, half in the other. Really? When no one is there, you can't even park in the lines? I'm losing hope for humanity.

As a side note, I keep seeing references to Zoolander everywhere. On picture comments, "That Stephanie, she's so hot right now." And at the Cocoa Bean, "Steamies. So hot right now. So hot." So now I'm jonesin' for a Zoolander fest, among other things...


Rachel said…
i have NEVER watched all of Zoolander.

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