Day 1

Well, I was trying to decide whether or not I wanted to publicize this. I don't like to let people know about my weight or exercise goals. I'm rather good at motivating myself, usually, and would appreciate people noticing without knowing I've even been doing anything. I decided against keeping it a secret mostly because the easiest place for me to keep track of my progress is in this blog rather than in a journal. For some reason, blogs are more motivating.

Anyway, I saw an ad last week on Facebook for this "skinny bride" diet and exercise plan. I was a little skeptical at first, wondering what information could possibly be dispelled by this amateurish website. Nevertheless, I paid $37 to get this downloadable diet and exercise plan with additional tips, mostly out of curiosity to view its contents. I was thinking I might just wait to start it after looking at the other book I bought, the Fat Smash Diet. Then I decided, why wait? It's now or never. So I bought the stuff on Thursday, looked through it, absorbed what I could, and made some goals. I made a grocery list as well. Tanner and I spent almost two hours at Wal-Mart shopping for food and other random things that I needed (including a scale).

I've found that this Wedding Day Diet is somewhat similar to Atkins, which I've always had a vendetta against. It's just unhealthy. No carbs, all the fat and protein you want, no specifications for what kinds of fat... Not good. This diet, however, emphasizes protein and GOOD fats (unsaturated, found in olive oil, nuts, etc.), and makes use of carbs at appropriate times of the day and week. I work out six days a week--weight train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and do an hour of cardio every day. I have one piece of fruit every morning. On the days that I weight train, I get to have a breakfast bar (or candy bar! woot!). I eat five times a day with particular focus on the measurements of protein and fat that I'm getting, as well as taking fish oil and Vitamin C.

Since carbs six days a week are only eaten in the morning when I most need them, it seems to be efficient. It promises quick weight loss over a 30 day period. What separates it from Atkins is the carb-up day on Sunday. There is still a focus on good carbs--whole wheat, fruit, oatmeal, potatoes, etc. Pigging out and eating junk food is not part of the plan.

I have to drink a gallon of water a day--which, I figured out, is about 4 of my 1 litre bottles in a day. I've already had about two, and it's 9 AM.

This diet gives lots of tips and tricks (e.g. drinking water cold forces your body to lower the temperature, therefore burning calories, green tea, etc.) and seems like it makes sense.

So today is Day 1. I'm pumped, and I know it will be a challenge, especially this week (when I'll likely be pretty PMSy)! In order to make it easier for myself, I've planned out every day what I would eat at what time. I prepared my food for today last night. I will do the same for tomorrow tonight. I've started a list of key measurements--x amount of almonds = x amount of fat, 1 can of chicken holes 27.5 grams of protein, etc. I bought myself on-the-go protein shakes (Body for Life approved, by the way) as well as a shaker for my morning whey protein shakes.

I plan to go to the store later to grab some more green veggies for myself. I need them so I don't starve, although protein might keep me somewhat full.

I went to the gym for an hour and a half where I used his workout plan of 8 sets and 8 reps each of a bicep and back exercise. I did the elliptical for an hour and got some adolescent literature reading done. I got home and got ready and had my breakfast bar, protein shake (which was delicious, might I add), vitamin C, and fish oil while I read some scriptures.

I feel good. I feel attractive. I feel like every person who looks at me is now going, "eh," but I just think, "You just wait, this isn't what I really look like!" I've found that because my weight doesn't fluctuate very much, I've been relatively complacent with my eating habits and exercise routines. But it doesn't mean I can't look better, and especially feel better. I've found also that my unhappiness with myself and my appearance has made my life and struggles lately a lot harder than they have been before.

As a random note, this guy suggests you take a before picture because it increases your chances of succeeding by 2000%. haha. I took mine last night with a self-timer. Shh, don't tell. None of you shall ever see it. It should be motivating like he says.

I am committed to this. I can make my life on this diet easier by simply planning and preparing and making sure I get enough sleep. It will still be very hard. I might get light-headed from workouts. I might be starving. I might get emotional and exhausted, but I am trying to gear up and not put this plan off. I can do it!

Three best things

1. Life. This boy from my high school with a very stand-out glam rock image passed away on Friday. He had cancer, and he had just turned 19. I was extremely saddened by this--humbled at how quickly someone we love can get taken from us. Someone I used to see every day just walking around, now no longer exists physically on this earth. It's just weird to think about.

2. My cute fiancee. Apparently he drove by me this morning on my way to school and his way to work, and I didn't see him. He called me right after he saw me to tell me how hot/cute I looked today. He was so excited that he saw me. Something about seeing the person you love in a context where they are independent from you and in a zone of their own--kind of makes you appreciate them from a distance that you don't normally get to. His compliment made my day, especially because I was already feeling good about my workout and diet plan.

3. A nice gym. I love 24 Hour Fitness. It's nice and small and intimate and not too crowded. It has the resources I need, and I am comfortable there. I'm grateful to have a place so nice and SO close to me to make my workouts more enjoyable.

4. My mom. I missed her this weekend.


April said…
Good job Janae! It sounds like you've got a really good plan! If you need more diet and exercise tips or good protein shake or healthy dinner recipes, your Uncle Ty has some good ones! Good luck and I know you can do it!
Cody said…
yay for feeling attractive and for being healthy!!!
StacyB said…
Good for you, my love!
You made me cry with #4.
I love you so much, and you have no idea how very proud you make me.
Your Mommy
Bri!!! said…
Nice Janae. I too think Atkins is the worst diet EVER. It sounds like this one is more balanced. I will be joining the weight loss crew in 6 weeks. Good luck, and I'm excited to hear about your success.

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