Day 4, Start of Day 5

Yesterday was pretty decent. I did alright with my workout and eating. I wasn't feeling sick anymore, my ears are better and so is my throat. But now Tanner's throat is hurting :( I feel bad.

It's been immensely challenging, not because I feel I'm addicted to junk food or anything like that, but because I'm really just starving. I find that I crave foods of substance--carbohydrates: bread, yogurt, pasta, an occasional candy, things with flavor! I haven't had any cravings for fast food at all, not even greasy food, really, just good, natural, energy-providing food. That's been the hard part. I've been really hungry a lot of the time, dizzy sometimes even.

I've had to take time every day at around 3 to prepare my meals for the rest of that day as well as the two that I eat during school or work the next day. It's getting to be less preparation time, but it is still a lot of work. I'm feeling encouraged that it's almost been a week, then I'll have three more to go! I can do it. Thirty days is not that long.

I told Tanner last night, "I'm going to go to the gym tomorrow, and I will have lost another pound or pound and a half. I decided." Sure enough, I got to the gym, stepped on the scale, and have lost about 2.25 pounds total. This is immensely encouraging. It will be awesome when I've lost ten, then fifteen. After that point, I'll see if I want to keep going, but I'll have to adjust a lot of things.

Anyway, day four was good, kept to my plan, was hungry a lot, but no slacking whatsoever.

Yesterday was amazing for a lot of reasons. I make a big effort not to be public about what goes on between Tanner and I, good or bad. But yesterday was kind of a rough day, and this past week, a rough week, actually. After communicating effectively and talking with the right people (gosh, parents are amazing, especially Tanner's!), I felt about a million times better. I was able to be reminded how lucky I am to have Tanner and how truly great he is. I know the reasons I love Tanner, but the reminder was needed, and I'm grateful for it.

I'm grateful for all we have to look forward to in a married relationship--getting to know every little thing about each other, things that take years to know and understand--loving each other even more than we do now... It's hard to imagine, but I believe it happens, especially as two people progress together.

Today is day five of this diet, 25 to go! I had my apple before cardio and cereal bar and protein shake after working out. I lifted for chest, shoulders, and triceps today, according to the diet plan. Cardio was really hard today, I dunno what it is. I'm really tired and pretty sore and only made it to 625 calories burned. Oh well. I've got my meals planned for today and have work from 5 to 11 tonight. No Tanner for me today :( Then it'll be bed and up again for the gym tomorrow. I can't wait for Sunday. Oh, Sunday. I loved you already, but how much more glorious you will be when you provide a day without exercise and full of carbohydrates?

I woke up feeling spiritually and emotionally much better than I have felt in a long time. The losing weight factor has surely helped in these good feelings, but greater things are the cause.

I am encouraged, I am not craving anything yucky, and I am committed. There was no way I could have prepared for this diet, but it's better that I started it when I did and got the worst over with first. I'm going to knock out day five like there's no tomorrow. But there is a tomorrow, and tomorrow week one will be finished. And I will be victorious! :)


Bri!!! said…
Good for you Janae. Very cool that you are so committed.

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