I Love Blogs

OK guys. I have had a pretty rough day today. I've been extremely emotional, I've bawled really hard at least twice for more than twenty minutes each time. My eyes hurt, they're red and puffy, and I'm sure I look awesome because of it.

The reasons why are personal. I won't go into them--just a rough, emotionally challenging day. At one point I felt more alone than I've felt in a long, long time. I missed Rachel and wished I could talk to someone about how I was feeling.

Needless to say, the day has gotten better, but I'm still in an emotional spot. I went with Tanner and Cody to the mall and didn't get anything, but Tanner wanted to get Mario Kart for Wii. So we went to Best Buy, bought the game, and searched FYE and Circuit City for more Wii Wheels. Now the boys are in the living room, and for whatever reason I don't feel like playing. I'm not very good at games, my eyes are in a lot of pain, and I don't have my glasses to see the screen. Thus, I'd be even worse than normal at the game.

I decided to come into the office and check some stuff. The first thing I did was get on my Google Reader to see if anyone had updated my blog. Wow. Four updates!

I have to tell you that the Lord works through people. I'm so, so grateful for blogging. I'm so grateful for people who put themselves and their weaknesses and emotions out there for everyone to see. Tonight I am grateful for Cody's blog, Amber's blog, and my aunt Lisa's blog. All of them wrote incredibly emotional and inspiring blogs. I am not sure why they all impacted me so much, but it didn't help my painful crying-eye situation. It's just funny that I've been checking my Reader every day for new blogs and never get anything like that... Then suddenly, three inspirational ones in one day. Kind of weird, and not coincidental.

I feel better after reading those things and being reminded of Heavenly Father's love and of people's generosity.

By the way, if you want to read my aunt's latest blog, it really is awesome and not long at all. The link is on the right of my page, or click here.



Rachel said…
I miss you so much and I wish I could have been there to give you a hug. Loves
Cody said…
ah. im glad you got many inspiring blogs to read and im glad they impacted you. im sorry it was a rough day. i hear you right now laughing in tanner's room so im thinking things are better which is good.
Hambone Jacobs said…

I just want you to know that although I can be a "tard" like yesterday, I am so proud of you and for the guts you had to stand up for what you believe. You are an incredible person and Tanner is so lucky to have you. Thanks for being a wonderful friend. I am going to miss you. Love you much.

See ya in 2 months.

Dan said…
very cool Janae. I love sessy's like that from Heavenly Father. YAY
Dan said…
by the way it's me bri, I'm just on Dans computer

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