Ghirardelli Has My Heart

Point A: Last Tuesday, I believe it was, I ventured to my second favorite store in the entire world: Big! Lots. That's right. Big! Lots. Formerly known as Pic 'N Save. What Big! Lots means exactly remains unbeknownst to me. I was mad enough when they made the name change that pondering on what the new name could possibly denote was quite simply out of the question. All tangents terminated, I went to Big! Lots last week in full acceptance of its name, given their amazing variety of products and fabulous prices. I was looking for a birthday card for my younger brother as well as a few Mother's Day cards (mom, grandma, future mother-in-law...).

As I mentioned before, Big! Lot has a variety of products, and I can't manage to escape the store without browsing for at least a few minutes. I wandered over to their candy selection when, lo and behold, I glimpsed a box of Ghirardelli chocolates on the top shelf. Not just ANY Ghirardelli chocolates--the "Intense Dark" chocolate collection for "connoisseurs," as the front of the box reads. A whole box of these fabulous chocolates that are usually around $3 per bar for only $4.50?! It was too good to be true. I called my mother with the news (for she is also a dark chocolate connoisseur). I sadly explained that I would have sent it to her for Mother's Day, but sending chocolate in the mail for it to get all melty was just not a good idea (not to mention the fact that I had spent an enormous sum of money on our family portraits at Sears. Said portraits can be viewed on the right). She was not as excited as I was. She admitted that she still had some left from the last time I was there.

I decided that I would try to control my chocolate urges and walk away from this beautiful deal in front of me. Perhaps I could come back another day for them. I got off the phone with my mom and resumed going to the check-out aisle to buy these greeting cards--without the black box of Ghirardelli chocolates.

Point B: Thursday night, my fiancé, future cousin-in-law Cody, friend Aric, and I all went 80s dancing. This is another tale for another blog. Not our most fun trip to Area 51 by any means. Although you may be interested in the bearded vagrant that somehow made his way in. Aforementioned vagrant's assigned name is Leonard. Leonard could boogie for sure.

Before entering Area 51, I decided that to be safe, I should hide my wallet under the seat. I gently placed my wallet under Aric's driver's seat. One half of my wallet was left unzipped in order to retrieve my driver's license (I'm big 21 now--I can go in the bar!). After having a not-fun time in the smoky, vagranty atmosphere, we decided to go home. After we arrived at the Phillips' house, I was trying to gather all of my things from the back seat. My wallet was still hidden under the seat. This means I did a good job. If I forgot about my own wallet, why would a thief think to look for it under the driver's seat? Take that home. Chew it. Anyway, I got out of the car walletless.

I was a little upset that I had forgotten my wallet, so I asked Aric to please drop my wallet off at my work on Friday, which he so reliably did. I went and got my wallet at work in the afternoon, excited to have my debit and credit cards back to make whatever grandiose purchase I desired. What with it being the end of a really long, hard week, I decided I would reward myself with that box of Ghirardelli chocolates. At this point in the story, we proceed to point C.

Point C: I returned to Big! Lots on Friday afternoon with my wallet in hand--armed and ready for some intense dark chocolate purchasing. Having been there earlier in the week, I walked straight to the spot where the chocolates were still sitting on the shelf, bargain price in tact. I grabbed them and walked to the counter where a very friendly older man was the cashier. I opened my wallet to pay for my chocolates when much to my dismay, I saw no Washington Mutual MasterCard debit card with Paypass... No Citibank mtvU Visa card, and no palm-treed Discover card. "Alert! Alert! Ghirardelli chocolates are escaping my ambrosial future!" my brain was reeling. I embarrassedly admitted to the cashier that my cards had apparently fallen out of my wallet, and I would be unable to pay for my chocolate. I walked away, head down in immense discouragement.

As I walked out, I texted Aric, "My wallet doesn't do me much good without my debit or credit cards in it. ha ;)." I was trying to be pleasant and playful about it, knowing it wasn't his fault that I had left my wallet open, but I was more than frustrated. I returned home without that glorious Ghirardelli box for connoisseurs. I suppose I had not yet obtained connoisseur-hood.

On Saturday I worked at Blockbuster from 5 to 11. I texted Aric asking if he could please bring me my cards, bribing him with a free movie. And I am happy to report that my ever-reliable friend Aric waltzed in to Blockbuster with my cards as well as my BYU ID. Needless to say, I was relieved to have regained my spending freedom.

My weekend and week thus far have advanced rather normally. Today I decided that since I needed to get a For Sale sign for my Neon, I would try Big! Lots. Perhaps I could pick up those chocolates at the same time. OK, who am I kidding? The chocolates were my main reason for going. I had only hoped they would have a For Sale sign so I wouldn't have to travel all the way to the ever-loathed Wal-Mart.

Point D (today): Once again, I returned to Big! Lots after a long day of Spanish test taking and adolescent literature reading. Once again, I marched with my wallet in hand, undoubtedly armed with my spending cards. Once again, and for the last time, I traipsed the floor of Big! Lots, straight over to the shelf that miraculously still held that celestial box of chocolates.

I also realized I needed some more bottled water, so I grabbed those. And I looked for a For Sale sign. I didn't find it. Anti-climactic much? Probably should have grabbed the chocolates last for effect's. But I couldn't wait.

With a huge box of Crystal Geyser bottled water in my arms topped with the box of chocolates, I once again walked to the counter to make my purchase. She scanned the chocolates and bottled water. $8.75. I pulled out my card and victoriously slid it through the scanner.

I delightedly walked out to my car with my Ghirardelli chocolate. At last!

"Why didn't I just buy it last week?" I scolded myself.

All of this trouble, and for what? The beauty that is below!:

I am a chocolate connoisseur.


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