Day 2, Start of Day 3

Oh wow, can I even explain? Yesterday, day two of the diet, was so, sooooo difficult. Oh my gosh. Talk about emotional. In the past I have shown signs of hypoglycemia. Unfortunately, a side effect of it is that low blood sugar can affect my mood. I didn't really consider this before starting the diet--the prospect of being thin outweighed other factors and will continue to do so. On top of the hypoglycemic tendencies, I had major PMS yesterday.

I got up at 5:40, ate my orange, and got my sorry butt to the gym. I worked the elliptical for an hour, finishing with about 670 calories, 50 less than on Monday. That's OK though, I'm only supposed to burn around 550 for this diet. I had some egg beaters (good protein) and almonds for breakfast. What really made yesterday morning difficult was my looming illness. Mind you, I haven't been coughing or sneezing or having an immensely sore, scratchy throat or anything, but I have been sick. The last two and a half weeks I have transitioned from having an extremely sore throat which made it difficult to swallow anything, then to losing my voice on Saturday, to waking up with what felt like an ear infection on Sunday. What a way to live. I haven't felt very good for a while. Yesterday it pretty much defeated me.

So after eating, instead of going to work, I went back to sleep from 7:30 to 11 AM. haha. It really did help though! My ears didn't hurt as bad after getting some more sleep. I stuck quite well to my diet the rest of the day, and prepared myself a delicious slice of lemon pepper salmon, four pieces of shrimp, a salad, and guess what?! A carb-controlled ice cream bar. Thank you, Breyer's!!! Oh wow. I went to Albertson's after work and looked everywhere on the ice cream aisle for something I could eat that was allowable. My thoughts went like so, "No sugar added ice cream, please save me!" I had decided against giving in to this desire, and walked out of the store.

When I got home, I burst into tears. Granted I was PMS and had no real reason to cry. But add the facts that I was freaking STARVING (and NOT because I hadn't eaten), wanted food of substance, and was so exhausted that my limbs felt like they were going to drop to the floor, and you have a pretty ridiculously emotional girl. Yeah, it was hard. Pathetic, really. I googled "carb free ice cream" or some term like unto it, and up came Breyer's carb control ice cream. "I have to go get some, I don't give a crap about what kind of fat it is! I am allowed to have fat!" So I went back to the store. This is desperation at its finest. I didn't find the ice cream, but I found the bars. They are 9 grams of carbs per bar, only 5 of which are sugar. Mind you, I am allowed to have peanut butter, which is 6 grams of carbs per serving, 3 of which are sugar. Make sense to you? So I made the exchange--peanut butter for ice cream--after my healthy salad and seafood meal. And it was lovely! I finished off my night with almonds and a protein shake, and all was well, even though I was extremely hungry.

Tanner came over after American Idol (which was profoundly amazing, by the way), and we read some scriptures and prayed together. I got in bed really early, but I had a hard time falling asleep due to some anxiety.

Anyway, up at 5:10 this morning, I got ready and ate an apple. I got to the gym and walked into the locker room to check my weight because I've found my scale to be a little off. I've lost a pound!!! I know this might not seem like a big deal to you, but for someone whose weight NEVER moves, this is huge, especially after only two days. I'm hoping to continue even more rapidly as the week goes on. I am very excited about that pound!

So I went upstairs and did my 8x8 of quads and hamstrings, as well as both hip abductor machines, and three sets of calf raises. Quads and hamstrings were all that was required, but I'm sorry, I can't not work my glutes. I just can't let my bum get saggy because it's not required.

Over I headed to the elliptical, where I performed pretty well. I made it to 702 calories on a manual setting, altering my own resistance and incline as needed. I was sweaty as all get-out. Might I add, I am SO tired of being sweaty. This hot weather lately has added to my water loss significantly, and then I walk up 101 stairs every morning and sweat even when it's raining. Love being such a sweaty individual.

On weight training days, I'm allowed to have a breakfast bar or candy bar. You'll probably not be surprised to hear that I elected to have a candy bar this morning. Sorry, but I have to have my chocolate some time, and if it has to be in the morning, then so be it. I consumed that Snickers with much joy. Oh yeah, and my protein shake. :-P

I planned out my meals for today yesterday before Idol, so I'm all set for those.

I predict today to be much easier than yesterday by far. I'm not sure my body has adjusted yet, but I feel OK, and I brought some ibuprofen to ease some discomfort I'm having. I so hope this diet works. I'm trying so hard to be good on it, and it takes a lot of time. So here's to a successful day 3 and one pound lost.

Three best things:

1. TV. I don't watch it much, but it's coming to the end of May, and I've been able to have weekly relief through American Idol since January! Both of the final contestants are great, and I think David Archuleta should win. In fact, I think it would be better if David Cook didn't win--as far as obtaining a record label and stuff. So anyway, I'm grateful for that piece of entertainment. On to So You Think You Can Dance!

2. The Phillips' home. I'm glad to have a more family-like environment close-by that I can go to. I was remembering last night when I first started watching Idol over there, and I had to ask where the bathroom was. Now I practically live there (and will, eventually!) and love feeling so comfortable and welcome.

3. My mom again. I called her about a doctor's appointment yesterday, how to go about getting one when we have a California-based HMO, and she called me back and explained things to me. I was being really bratty about it because it's way too big of a hassle, so she resolved to send me some antibiotics in overnight mail. She sounded pretty concerned and felt bad that I was feeling so yucky. It's nice to know that your mom will still take care of you from so far away.


Unknown said…

I've been working hard to lose weight too, and I just so happened to gain weight! HURRAH!!
Rachel said…
Good job Janny! Keep it up :)

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