So How About that Weather?
Psh, like I want to talk about that. Utah has horrible weather. Two seasons, two extremes, too ridiculous. I hate it. Moving on.
Something I found funny today... I checked the mailbox for our office, and there were flyers passed out by people doing a study on metabolism. These little yellow papers read as follows:
Men Wanted
For A Bone and Metabolic Study
If you...
-Are male
-Are between the ages of 30 and 65 years
-Do not exercise regularly
-Do not have osteoporosis
-Do not have diabetes or thyroid dysfunction may qualify for a research study.
Wow. Yep, like Doug is going to call and be like, "Hey guys I'm 42 and don't exercise! Pick me, pick me!" Seriously, how would you like to be the person who qualifies for that study? haha.
Also, I checked my grades today. I'm pretty excited. They're not as good as Cody's!! ;) But they're good.

They brought my GPA up from a 3.51 to a 3.52. Yayuh! ;) Just kidding, like it's that big of a deal. haha.
I started spring classes yesterday. I'm a little leery of the whole thing. My Spanish professor is quite the oddball--self-admitted, mind you. He was slightly threatening. To me he seems a little arrogant and like he tries really hard to be intentional about upsetting people. It's a little ridiculous, really. In any case, he seems like a good teacher and actually USES ENGLISH sometimes for those tards like me who need that extra clue. There won't be any papers, which I was totally dreading, so that's awesome news! There are midterms with four questions on them each, which will probably be lengthy analytical kinds of things, but as long as I take good notes in his class and try to get involved, I imagine I'll succeed just fine.
I also had my adolescent literature class yesterday. Good news: No final in this class! HAHA! Bad news: We have to read 30 young adult novels (averaging 4 per week) this semester. They should hopefully be short, fast reads though. Hopefully I'll find some that I like! It should be nice though. I like reading. The professor is retired and is kind of exempt from university policies. haha. He's from like South Carolina and has one of the strangest accents ever. Also, he kind of looks like Lord Voldemort but with a beak instead of just nostrils. He's very strange and goofy looking. But he seems really fun and stuff. No big papers or anything here either. OMG, these classes are just what I had hoped for.
Finally, I had a really neat experience with my brother last night. He is 17, 18 in October. He called me out of nowhere because he had had a bad day and was super confused about a lot of things. We're extremely different from each other, so for him to call to talk to me and get my input meant a lot to me. He asked me if I would pray with him. I was so, so humbled and so touched. My eyes are watering just thinking about it. That he would have a horrible day and be ready to go to sleep and be so stressed out and actually think to call me--to think that calling his big sister would help him, means more to me than I can explain. I bore him my testimony about Christ and the atonement and about the priesthood and so many things. It was a great experience, and I did my best to help without being too instructive or chastizing. Anyway, it was really so awesome to get to talk to him. He told me thank you and that I really helped him a lot. It was so sweet.
OK... Three best things
1. The gospel. I had a conversation with Tanner last night about the challenges of some women that we know... And I'm so grateful for a gospel that influences the decisions that I make so that I can avoid particular challenges that I'd never want to deal with. It's amazing to have a Father who cares so much.
2. My bed. It sounds silly, but the comfort of a warm bed in a cold apartment when I am sleepy is so, so nice. I'm glad I don't have to sleep on mats on concrete floors like so many other people in the world do :(
3. Vending machines. They provide me with delicious and oftenly unhealthy snacks when I have hunger pangs at work.
Something I found funny today... I checked the mailbox for our office, and there were flyers passed out by people doing a study on metabolism. These little yellow papers read as follows:
Men Wanted
For A Bone and Metabolic Study
If you...
-Are male
-Are between the ages of 30 and 65 years
-Do not exercise regularly
-Do not have osteoporosis
-Do not have diabetes or thyroid dysfunction may qualify for a research study.
Wow. Yep, like Doug is going to call and be like, "Hey guys I'm 42 and don't exercise! Pick me, pick me!" Seriously, how would you like to be the person who qualifies for that study? haha.
Also, I checked my grades today. I'm pretty excited. They're not as good as Cody's!! ;) But they're good.
They brought my GPA up from a 3.51 to a 3.52. Yayuh! ;) Just kidding, like it's that big of a deal. haha.
I started spring classes yesterday. I'm a little leery of the whole thing. My Spanish professor is quite the oddball--self-admitted, mind you. He was slightly threatening. To me he seems a little arrogant and like he tries really hard to be intentional about upsetting people. It's a little ridiculous, really. In any case, he seems like a good teacher and actually USES ENGLISH sometimes for those tards like me who need that extra clue. There won't be any papers, which I was totally dreading, so that's awesome news! There are midterms with four questions on them each, which will probably be lengthy analytical kinds of things, but as long as I take good notes in his class and try to get involved, I imagine I'll succeed just fine.
I also had my adolescent literature class yesterday. Good news: No final in this class! HAHA! Bad news: We have to read 30 young adult novels (averaging 4 per week) this semester. They should hopefully be short, fast reads though. Hopefully I'll find some that I like! It should be nice though. I like reading. The professor is retired and is kind of exempt from university policies. haha. He's from like South Carolina and has one of the strangest accents ever. Also, he kind of looks like Lord Voldemort but with a beak instead of just nostrils. He's very strange and goofy looking. But he seems really fun and stuff. No big papers or anything here either. OMG, these classes are just what I had hoped for.
Finally, I had a really neat experience with my brother last night. He is 17, 18 in October. He called me out of nowhere because he had had a bad day and was super confused about a lot of things. We're extremely different from each other, so for him to call to talk to me and get my input meant a lot to me. He asked me if I would pray with him. I was so, so humbled and so touched. My eyes are watering just thinking about it. That he would have a horrible day and be ready to go to sleep and be so stressed out and actually think to call me--to think that calling his big sister would help him, means more to me than I can explain. I bore him my testimony about Christ and the atonement and about the priesthood and so many things. It was a great experience, and I did my best to help without being too instructive or chastizing. Anyway, it was really so awesome to get to talk to him. He told me thank you and that I really helped him a lot. It was so sweet.
OK... Three best things
1. The gospel. I had a conversation with Tanner last night about the challenges of some women that we know... And I'm so grateful for a gospel that influences the decisions that I make so that I can avoid particular challenges that I'd never want to deal with. It's amazing to have a Father who cares so much.
2. My bed. It sounds silly, but the comfort of a warm bed in a cold apartment when I am sleepy is so, so nice. I'm glad I don't have to sleep on mats on concrete floors like so many other people in the world do :(
3. Vending machines. They provide me with delicious and oftenly unhealthy snacks when I have hunger pangs at work.