
Showing posts from September, 2012

Sometimes on a Mountain in September

Using this picture poem as a model/inspiration, we were let loose behind Daniel's Summit Lodge to take photos so we could write a poem too. After taking all the photos and reviewing them when I came back in so I could start writing, this is what I came up with. And I wonder if it might change your reading of this poem to know that I was thinking of my grandpa who passed away in February, and my grandma he left behind, as I was taking these pictures and writing this poem. Leaves, brown and crumpled,   Crunch under My still new but now dirty Nikes. Rocks litter the muddy ground. Forcing me to look down And watch Where I step. Instead of being able to look Where I want to look: Up At blue sky And bright yellow Autumn leaves. Flies buzz. Calling my attention Back down from the sky. They buzz… Resisting the approaching And inevitable Cold. Resisting their imminent Death. Staring down. At the b...

Student Comments

Sometimes I get comments like these: And other times I see comments like this: And then I go: And then my other students are all like: And then I went and did an "email to self": So I won't forget. Serves you right, sleepy lazy kid. Oh and by the way, I'm going to create a grammar packet worksheet and dictionary copying activity just for you.

An Exercise in Time Management

You know, my life has been taken over by things that I basically have to do. I don’t like feeling like I’m not in control of how I spend my time. At work, as a teacher, my life is controlled in part by testing. What days do I have testing? What can I teach them to prepare for testing? What can I do before and after testing dates to keep things connected still? When will I start being evaluated based on my students’ test scores? I am controlled in how I plan lessons, what I write on my board, meetings I attend, and (pretty soon) how many copies I can make. I am controlled at my second job, which is as an independent SEO contractor/writer. My friend got me the job well over a year and a half ago. It has been an immense help when I have needed some extra cash. I loved it and loved being able to count on it. It was easy, not very time consuming, and reliable for some money. However, things have gotten more than frustrating lately. We writers have recently gotten 3-4 emails a day ...

El Presidente

It appears that throughout my life I have quickly been identified and chosen as a leader. I was often chosen to lead the class in some kind of routine, or be the class president, or whatever. I ran for and was elected to be school president in elementary school in fifth grade. It got boring so I didn’t run for second semester. Throughout school whenever there’s been a group discussion or presentation, it’s always been me doing the delegating and speaking for everyone else. Not because I necessarily volunteered or stepped up, but because the others have either directly or indirectly appointed me to do so. All of this has never been due to my being overbearing or a know-it-all. I was not and am not always the person with her hand up because she knew every single answer. It was more like, when I did say something, it was worth listening to. I’m not sure what the deal is lately, even in my mid-twenties. I don’t know how I always get picked out for these things. I try ...