
Showing posts from March, 2013

An Exercise Evolution

In 2011, I wore a heart monitor for a few weeks during the summer. When I went to the heart doctor, the doctor said something like, “Usually with athletic young ladies like yourself, we don’t worry about it.” I was totally flabbergasted that somebody would call me athletic. Athletic? Me? Really? A couple of months ago, in January, I hung out with a cute, very fit boy. He has lots of muscles and works out a lot. He’s very intense about fitness. I sat at his kitchen island, and out of nowhere he said, “Wow, check out your triceps! Those are awesome. Let me see!” I flexed proudly after my countless pushups and kettle bell swings and wall ball squats and high pulls  and push presses. And suddenly my composure improved. I sat a little straighter and smiled a little brighter. Knowing his personality and how he tries to purposely motivate people, I’m not sure his being impressed was completely sincere. But it still influenced me strongly enough that I’m still talking about it months...