
Showing posts from September, 2014

2014 School Year: The Beginning

I’m starting to think that if I want to write, I’ll either need to get up early or stay up late. It is something that needs to happen, and if it’s important to you, you’ll find a way, right? I’m not sure if I’ve written at the beginning of every school year, but I want to this year. This is my fifth year teaching at Jefferson Junior High. The students I taught in my internship year and the year after have now graduated from high school. I’m feeling sufficiently old. And all I can do is hope that I’ve prepared them at least a little bit for what is next in their lives. So far, this year is going pretty well. There are always challenges with a new year and when a school tries new things. This year is no exception. I’m still learning the ropes of the School Technology Specialist position because there are new tests and new procedures in place. Or procedures that I need to make, rather. I'm in a new classroom this year, after four years in my previous classroom (right ab...

Motherhood Anxiety: Part 3 – The Inheritance

Let’s go the lighter route on this motherhood anxiety topic, shall we? Please proceed with all the sarcastic tonality you know I possess. I know I can’t be the only one who has a long list of insecurities and horrible traits they’ve inherited from previous generations—ones that just shouldn’t be passed on. This is serious, folks. I mean, I have qualities and genetic traits that nobody should have to endure. For the love, I don’t want to give these things to another human being and watch them suffer through what I have suffered. For one thing, I’m a hairy beast. If you look at my brothers, they’re hairless everywhere but their legs. But me? I have tried every hair removal cream on the market. I’ve tried bleaching. I’ve waxed. I’ve shaved. And I even have hair left after six treatments of laser hair removal! I’ve been self-conscious about this my entire life. Why would I want to subject another little girl to this? Also, I have B.O. and a serious sweating problem. I’m ...

I Don't Have to Know

I don’t know what bothered me about it, exactly. I was just standing there, minding my own business, watching some kids throw apples away, attempting to enjoy the Dunkin’ Donuts latte lite I had just gotten. It is September, and I picked up a coffee habit around last Christmas. That’s a lie. I had the habit also when I was in the eighth grade but stopped drinking it, mostly under the threat of stunted growth. Too little, too late. I'm still five feet tall.  Dunkin’ Donuts has made a lot of money off me this year—more than I’d like to admit. I even earned my Starbucks gold card in the past eight months. I may have earned a drink or two from Beans & Brews as well. So you could say I’m kind of a connoisseur of lattes. When my LDS coworker came and stood next to me and said, “I didn’t know Balibrea was a coffee drinker,” I denied nothing. I said, “I shouldn’t be, but I am.” He stooped over awkwardly, staring at my CTR ring on one hand, and my latte in the...