
Showing posts from April, 2019

April in Review

I feel like this month was incredibly chaotic, probably due to driving back and forth many times from Grantsville. On April 2, Matthew and I watched Melissa McCarthy’s movie Can You Ever Forgive Me? Her performance was good, but I don’t think I’d watch it again. On April 4, I got a visitor at work. We walked to Starbucks and spent a while talking about all the things. That same evening, I got to visit Vessel Kitchen with Laura and Karlie. It was really delicious, but Israeli poke is different from island poke. Just for the record. I held a vote on my Instagram regarding pronunciation of the word “Wilshire,” which is an area of Los Angeles as well as one of the properties my company owns. I pronounce it “will-sure.” Just like Worcestershire, Yorkshire, New Hampshire, etc. as my friend Brianne pointed out. Turns out many people like the long “I” sound, which I think is very strange. Please don't ever ask anyone in southern California how to get t...

March in Review

I really like doing these monthly review posts. It ensures at least 12 posts each year, and it helps me see how good my life is. On March 1, I had my first visit to the Grand America Hotel for our investor conference at work. On March 2, Matthew and I saw Lego Movie 2. He worked that night, but I watched Unbreakable for the first time so that I could see Glass and have everything make sense. I mentioned March 3 last month, but I went to a family event with Matthew. And he asked me to be his girlfriend that day. So that was exciting. We went to Waffle Love on March 6. On March 9, we saw Captain Marvel. I liked it. But I liked Wonder Woman way better. Still, I continue to be amazed by how refreshing it is to see powerful women on the big screen. We also went to Cheesecake Factory that night. It was something like a two hour wait. Out of control. March 10 was awesome because we went to Matthew's brother and sister-in-law's house for dinner. Matthew...