April in Review
I feel like this month was incredibly chaotic, probably due to driving back and forth many times from Grantsville. On April 2, Matthew and I watched Melissa McCarthy’s movie Can You Ever Forgive Me? Her performance was good, but I don’t think I’d watch it again. On April 4, I got a visitor at work. We walked to Starbucks and spent a while talking about all the things. That same evening, I got to visit Vessel Kitchen with Laura and Karlie. It was really delicious, but Israeli poke is different from island poke. Just for the record. I held a vote on my Instagram regarding pronunciation of the word “Wilshire,” which is an area of Los Angeles as well as one of the properties my company owns. I pronounce it “will-sure.” Just like Worcestershire, Yorkshire, New Hampshire, etc. as my friend Brianne pointed out. Turns out many people like the long “I” sound, which I think is very strange. Please don't ever ask anyone in southern California how to get t...