
Showing posts from November, 2019

NaNo 2019: Summer in the City

An excerpt from NaNoWriMo 2019. Dear Mom, In summers you would take us to the beach. I remember it was usually on a Wednesday. I’m not sure why that was the day of choice. Maybe it lined up with Aunt Lisa’s schedule? Or it was the least busy? Or you regularly took that day off of work? I have no idea. Looking back now, I can appreciate what an ordeal it is to lug three (at the time) kids to the beach who will be whining all day about their hunger. Today, I just want to get to the beach. I bring a bunch of water, some snacks in a bag or cooler, and a towel. That’s it. But with kids it’s a whole other animal. I remember you making egg salad for beach days. I’m not sure why that was the sandwich of choice for you. I mean, I’m not complaining, but I feel like peanut butter and jelly would’ve been a lot less work. I’d stand in the kitchen by the pointless sliding door to watch you make it after I helped peel eggs. I marveled at the way you’d cut the eggs in your hand...

October in Review

Holy cow! This will be my 12th straight month of "Month in Review" posts. I wonder if I've ever stuck with a blog pattern for so long. Probably not. October has been good to me. Matthew and I sat down in September to plan out our October. I started a workout program on September 30: 22 Minute Hard Corps. I've done this program more times than any other. I really enjoy it because the workouts are short and challenging, and I can accompany the workouts with a run, which I have been doing MWFSat. On October 1, I decorated my house with all of my fall and Halloween decor. Most of it is courtesy of my grandma. And I'm thankful I have previous years' photos to look at so I can remember where I put things. On October 3, I walked to a nearby pharmacy to get a soda, and ended up with Elder Oaks walking behind me. Without saying enough to get struck down, I'll say that I didn't have the urge to speak to him like I would have i...