
February GBOMB

Good Lifting . I've been working with a trainer to make some progress and hopefully do a power lifting meet sometime this year. It feels good to push hard. Work . They're going to pay for a TESOL certification for me. My supervisor gives me great feedback often. It's just nice to be somewhere that I am seen. Birthday . Friends came for my potluck and sound bath. It was a lovely time. I'm grateful I have women willing to give so much time to me. Gifts . Matthew did really great for my birthday and Valentine's Day. Grounding mat, red light, and walks . I've been able to do all of these things consistently. I've even brought my grounding mat to work. And I feel like it has all helped me tolerate winter so much better. Bad Illness . AJ had his first bout with vomiting this month, and diarrhea actually. I got whatever he had, but really just the whole thing was so awful. He was hungry but we knew it wouldn't be good for him to eat. We had lots of sheet change...

February in Review

2/1 I had my first day training with a personal trainer, Emmy. AJ and I got groceries. I worked on my January blog posts and cleared the photos off my phone. My mother-in-law came over to bring Christmas presents. I went on a quick walk outside. Matthew had dinner with his cousins. AJ and I went to dinner at Chili's. It was otherwise a normal evening at home. 2/2 I woke up an hour before AJ and could not go back to sleep. I made us all breakfast and also made banana bread. I walked on the treadmill and did Duolingo. We went to Trader Joe's as a family. I walked outside and took a birthday gift to my neighbor. I prepped for the week including lunch tomorrow and vitamins for the week. We took AJ to my mom's house for dinner. I did bedtime. 2/3 I woke up at 5 for squats. I had to help with orientation at work and did a practice run for a training plus had a one on one with my manager. I reached out to find alternate daycare for AJ since his regular lady had a family death. It ...

January GBOMB

Good My new job . There are just way too many good things about it to list. But a few things worth mentioning are my awesome manager and team. The company culture. Awesome benefits. And just being seen for what I bring to the table; I've already been asked to present on the 4 Tendencies to some of our HR team. I am just really grateful to be there. Sunshine collective . A friend of mine started a sunshine collective in November with a challenge to get outside 100 days from November to March. I got outside every single day in January, and I am really proud of that. Red light . I got myself a red light panel that came a little bit before Christmas. I've been very consistently using it at night. Then I went and bought a much smaller portable panel to use because getting both panels from Hooga was still cheaper than just ONE from Lumebox. I am interested to see how it feels when spring comes around, if I will feel a really big shift like I usually do, or if it won't be as drama...

January in Review

1/1 I walked and took AJ outside. I did some tax stuff for my new job. I donated plasma. We went as a family to Red Lobster for dinner and then got treats at Paris Baguette afterward. 1/2 I lifted weights. I took AJ to the playground. I cleared off my phone and started drafting some goals and reflecting on the previous year. I did some Scholastic grading for payment. 1/3 I did leg day and figured out our new Robo vac. I got lunch at Itto Sushi with Kristen and AJ. We went on a walk. I did some more grading. I had some laptop troubles 1/4 I walked, and did cleaning and laundry. We went grocery shopping as a family. It was a pretty low-key day. 1/5 I went for a walk outside, went to the bank and Dutch Bros, and spent some time on finances. I did some copy editing. We took AJ to the aquarium for the first time. Matthew made lasagna. 1/6 I took AJ to daycare, went to the gym to do squats, did some stuff for unemployment, and did a bunch of other things at the computer. I went to the movies...