
Showing posts from July, 2012

Something(s) That Bug(s) Me: Zumba Edition

I go to Zumba on Saturdays sometimes. People are dumb sometimes. The result? This blog post. Be a white dude Be a white dude in a goofy outfit Be a white dude who randomly yells enthusiastically in the middle of class We know you’re excited. We also know you’re kind of a creeper. Maybe just try to minimize the obviousness of the latter, hm? Come in late Come in late and stand front and center of the room Come in late, be taller than me, and stand in front of me You don’t get privileges like a perfect line of vision if you are late. There is a reason that spot is open, and it’s so the rest of us can see. Get your tardy ass to the back of the room. Don’t make any effort Half-ass your moves to make us think this is easy for you Keep your arms at your sides Look bored Seriously? There are other places you can be. Go on the treadmill if class is this underwhelming for you. You’ll be less distracting there. Walk out of class because you can’t keep up No ...

I'm Ready

It's a good thing I am on social networking sites, otherwise my blog readers (if there are any left) might have thought I had died. Fear not, few followers, for I am alive! I think my writing class did me a disservice in that I feel like everything I write could be a million times better if I take it through several drafts and a few different readers. But I know better than to think that everything I write has to be refined and perfected. For me, it's more of a need to write something of any quality for my own sanity. So far this summer I have: Moved Gotten a roommate Spent 91 hours (13 days 8:30-3:30) in a writing class Spent two weeks in California Gone on lots of dates Spent time at the beach Spent time at the pool Gotten tan Lost a friend Seen lots of movies in theaters Exercised a ton Tried a new workout class Driven from CA to UT Bitten off all my nails Been amused by weirdos Gotten a speeding ticket The list goes on. That's what happens when ...