
Showing posts from February, 2018

Made Whole

From January 7 to February 17 I participated in a six week long cleanse of body and soul led by my lovely friend Mary of Made Whole . She's an amazing, empathetic healer. She emanates light and love, and she makes you feel like she will accept you in all your obnoxious imperfections. I reached out to Mary after three months of battling sinus issues during training, and with a host of other emotional stresses I wanted help managing. She sent me information on her cleanse, with no pressure at all, and encouraged me to ask questions and decide if this was right for me at the right time. Here is what she says about the purposes of her program: The first intention of this program is to help you rewire your neural pathways by creating your Ideal Life Vision, which you will create in our I AM workshop on January 6th, 2018, and which I will help you refine throughout our six weeks together. Your IdealLife Vision is a written manifest of the life your heart desires, with great detail ...

31st Birthday

The day of my actual birthday was one of the best days I had had in a long time. I did all my cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping on Friday night so as to have the day off from adulting. I woke up, took a picture of my legs, and had my last mandatory cup of warm lemon water. I followed that up with some vanilla spice tea with cinnamon, stevia, and almond milk. I ran five miles. It felt easy. The snow got in my face and eyes, and the wind pushed against me no matter what direction I was going. But my body did not struggle with the run. I followed my run with my cardio flow workout on 80 Day Obsession. I showered and prepared a long Facebook post while I got ready to go to breakfast. As I was rushing out the door, I made a plant based protein shake for myself. Brittney and I pulled up to Pulp Lifestyle Kitchen at the same time. Kristen and Julie were in the car waiting. Then Laura Turley came. Then Kathryn, and then Rachel. I love all these ladies so much and am so...