2018 and 2019
I've always been on the fence about New Year's Resolutions. I've often found myself without any sort of pull to make any resolutions because I think (in true Questioner nature) New Year's is an arbitrary date to start working on something. More than likely, I'm already working on something. I feel like goals can and should be set at any time. That being said, I did write down a few goals for 2018 in my donut journal: Physical - Do a sprint triathlon - Run a half marathon - Do two pull-ups unassisted Mental - Read 1 book per month - Get Precision Nutrition certificate Emotional - Clarify a significant family relationship - Find hope for a new romantic relationship Spiritual - Find my place with my beliefs 2018 Results: Physical - Well, I didn't do a triathlon, and since I did the half marathon, it sort of trumped my pull-up goal. I still can't do a pull-up unassisted. But I can do 3 sets of 8-10 reps assisted. I think I'll get th...