Why a Birth Center?
I decided many years ago (like probably 13 years ago at this point) that I wanted to have unmedicated births if I could. And when I learned that I didn't have to birth in a hospital, I decided I would find somewhere else instead. After doing lots of research and visiting several places and talking to lots of midwives, I decided that we would do our birth through The Birth Center . (We are currently undecided about laboring at home versus the birth center itself, but are leaning toward the latter due to space and condo proximity.) As soon as someone hears that, they ask me why. Why a birth center? Why unmedicated? They don't mean it in an attacking way. Many of them are genuinely curious. And it's a valid question. I have SO many reasons for making this choice, that it is a little difficult to answer in the quick way I think they expect; it's a long conversation! So I thought I'd sit and write out some of my reasoning for choosing a birth center, unmedicated birth,...