Birthday 35
Birthday number 35 didn't disappoint although my morning was a rough start. I got up to go squat, and my cute husband had sent me a sweet text message to wake up to. He also wrote on the white board for me. Where it got difficult was when I was trying to make my daily protein shake. I make spinach ice cubes to add iron in for baby. But my ice trays are ancient and not flexible, so I broke it to pieces. And a spinach cube got on my sweater, so I had to change when I was already late. Just a frustrating start. But when I got to work, my coworkers and bosses really came through. Becky (head of the collections team) decorated my desk. I already had roses from Matthew from the day before; they came early. My boss Dan had brought donuts for me. My new coworker Nicole brought me a chocolate cake. My boss Scott had dropped off a card and gift card to Mint Sushi. from Matthew My workday overall was really good. Busy but not crazy. I got lots of texts and Facebook messages wishing me ...