
Showing posts from August, 2023


Good Love for AJ . Not mine but everyone else's. It's so fun to see my grandma loving on my baby. It's so awesome to watch my parents love my baby. Face timing my brother and having him comment on how beautiful my boy is just makes me want to burst. I love seeing people love my baby. It fills my heart.  AJ's hugs . AJ "gives loves" to the animals and his stuffies all the time. He rarely will give loves to me and Matthew on command. But often lately, he comes up to me and hugs my leg, or if I'm on the floor, he wraps his little arm around my neck and squeezes me so tight. I don't know what's going through his mind, but these little moments are so special and make me so happy.  Health . Maybe it's summer. Maybe it's sunshine. Maybe it's that AJ isn't in daycare. But we've had a really good stretch of health across the board, and I don't take it for granted. We also had AJ's 15 month appointment, and he's just such a sm...

July in Review

July 1 AJ slept until 6:30. It was a miracle. I cleaned, did a full body workout, and did three loads of laundry. I got photos off of my phone. I took AJ swimming. I talked to a mom with an eight month old at the pool; she had a homebirth. It was fun to talk to her. I watched Outlander and got some bees tickets.  July 2 I woke up at 5:30 for some reason. We went on a walk, did breakfast, and meal prep. I posted my GBOMB. I went to Smith's and Dutch Bros. We did AJ's lunch and then I took a nap. After that I took the baby to my grandma's house to see her and my aunt. And a lot of cousins came by. We did dinner and bedtime. Matthew and I watched Creed 3. AJ took my pads and distributed them in the hallway AJ and his grammy July 3 I was up at 6 o'clock. I lifted weights. Did breakfast. I went to work, picked up a dresser at IKEA, and drove through Swig. I went to swim class with AJ. He had a great day with his Grammy and other family going to some waterfalls. We did dinner...