
Showing posts from January, 2014

Two Faces and Attitudes

I read something my grandma reposted on Facebook a while back. The story was written by a son about his mom who abused him and then turned around and put on a big smiley face for someone at the door or on the phone. Because of his mother's behavior, this person vowed to be honest and vulnerable about his feelings. Tonight, my friend Kristen said she heard the hostess at a restaurant ask a woman how her day was. The woman rolled her eyes and said, "Ugh, don't even ask!" I'm sure countless times in your life you have told someone asking that you are "fine" when really you feel like this Are you catching onto my topic yet? This story my grandma shared caused me to think hard about how we should answer, and when or if there is harm in being two-faced. Or, if you answer that you're fine when you aren't, are you even being two-faced? For example, my grandpa suffered with stage four lung cancer for quite some time. When people asked him ho...

Workout Wednesday: The Breakup

My friend Danica did a few Workout Wednesday blog entries a while back. I love this idea and have a few topics rolling around in my head for some future entries. I don't know how consistent I can be, but I'm going to give it a go. And now for my first Workout Wednesday entry: The Breakup. ---------------------- Everybody… we broke up. My best friend… The one that knows all of my secrets… The one that’s been with me on days when I’ve been lazy, days when I’ve gotten serious work done… Stayed up with me through sleepless nights… The one that knows how much I sweat and how far I run… That’s right. I have taken off my BodyMedia armband . My 13-month free subscription has ended, and so has my activity monitoring. It probably sounds silly to say that my arm feels naked without it on. But think about it… Wearing something nearly 24 hours a day for over a year, and removing it for something besides a shower or swimming or tanning? Now, don’t be offended when I sub...

An Inventory

So, everyone who knows me knows I am a list maker. I make lists of really weird things. One list I've made for as long as I can remember is all of the Christmas presents I received in a year. I am honestly not sure why I do this. I don't consider myself to be a very materialistic person. I try not to buy things I don't need. I am grateful for the things I have. So it's not so I can see "how much I got" on paper. I have thought and thought about why I do this, and I have no answer. I don't know if it's to commemorate all I got as an act of gratitude. I don't know if it's to compare Christmases. I don't know. I am a little (OK a lot) bugged because I had my whole list typed out, but not saved, in Microsoft Word. I had planned on posting it to the blog tonight. Wouldn't you know it? My computer failed to turn back on correctly after I hibernated it, which I always do. That document has sat there unsaved for 13 days. Thirteen days, peop...