Good Floors. Of course! Having our carpet ripped out, getting LVP in the common areas, and new carpet in the bedrooms, feels SO good. I'm still not over it. I'm not sure how to have it feel as clean as I'd like. I'm grateful past Janae bough a Eufy RoboVac because we run that thing every day, and the amount it picks up on a daily basis is shocking and maddening. Mostly fur, of course. I've tried to Swiffer mop it weekly, but it is so time consuming. Still, I love how it looks, and am eager to get new furniture, new light fixtures, and get our cabinets painted. Savings. A couple weeks ago I decided I needed to make my own beverages at home and stop giving Starbucks all my money. So I've been only once a week the last couple weeks. It wasn't a goal I set. It wasn't anything I said out loud. I just decided and have stayed committed. I also get more Swig in the summer, which I shouldn't admit to. But it still isn't as frequent as my Starbucks trips ...