October in Review

October 1 I was up early with the baby. I picked up breastmilk and got myself a bubble tea. I went on a walk with the baby. I watched some of Halloweentown for the first time. I worked on our September blog. Matthew and I caught up on House of the Dragon. I did laundry and of course pumped.

October 2 I was once again up too early with the child. But this time I got to go back to sleep. Matthew made us breakfast, pumpkin waffles for me. We watched a little bit of conference. Today was busy with meal prepping some chicken, egg salad, and baked oatmeal. Matthew got groceries. I went to Starbucks. I gave AJ a bath in addition to doing lots of dishes and folding laundry.

October 3 AJ woke up at 5:40. He’s not supposed to get up till 6:00 at the earliest, but it works out to have him do this because I can feed him and then lift weights before getting ready for work.

October 4 I was up early, nursed the baby, and walked on the treadmill. Work was busy. We went to lunch at garage grill for one of my bosses’ birthday. I did the night by myself since Matthew worked security. Did all the fun mom stuff like pumping, dishes, defrosting breastmilk, and making bottles.

October 5 I was basically awake from 4 AM on. Matthew brought me a milkshake after work which was really nice. I finished watching the newest episode of Handmaid's Tale.

October 6 I started to feel really awful at work, progressively worse every hour. I left about 20 minutes early. Matthew had been sick, so I figured I just caught what he had.

October 7 was my day off. I spent most of it on the couch with the baby, but I did get out a couple of times, once to get myself a Jamba bowl and the other time to pick up breastmilk. I felt really awful, like my head was going to explode. I finally took some medicine in the evening after texting my midwives. Thanks to Matthew, I was able to get in bed by 10 o’clock.

October 8 was a day spent at home. Thankfully I got just about eight hours of fairly continuous sleep, again thanks to Matthew, the baby, and NyQuil. I was still sick and coughing up green stuff, but I did three loads of laundry and cleaned the house. The baby decided to add some difficulty with really short naps. The second stair up to our unit crumbled which we had been expecting. I am especially uneasy about carrying the baby up the stairs with one missing.

October 9 I was up early and went on a walk. I got Dutch Bros. I made my breakfast for the week. I texted my boss to let him know I was sick. I went to work to get my laptop. Matthew did a bunch of errands like going to storage and Walmart and Smith’s. We got gas and I got a car wash for the first time in months.

October 10 was rough because the baby was up from 2:30 to 4 AM and got back up at 6:20. I worked from home and got very little when I pumped. I tried to get ready for our anniversary date while I had a coughing attack. My grandma thankfully came and watched the baby while we went to the Harry Potter dessert taste off. Since the taste off was at five, we got dinner at Slim chickens after. Matthew wrote me a sweet letter and got me a card. He said his personalized gift is still on the way. (note: it finally came at the end of the month, but the box was empty.)

October 11 was a quiet day at work. The baby woke up at 4:50, but I waited to get him until 5:50. We went to the pumpkin patch even though AJ was really tired. It was hard to get good photos, and I was really sad that they did not have as many pumpkins this year as they did last year.

October 12 I worked from home and just had a really stressful day in general. We frantically had to ask people to babysit on Thursday since it was an office day for me and a full day of catering for Matthew. I cooked dinner and took the baby on a walk.

October 13 AJ slept until 6:30. My grandma came to babysit for us. The baby took bad naps. I got a Little Caesar for dinner for us and a couple of Crave Cookies. I put AJ to bed early due to bad naps. I watched Handmaid's Tale. My cough was really bad today.

October 14 was my day off. I went on a walk with the baby, got Starbucks, and sat outside on the grass with him. I started cleaning and watched Yellowstone.

October 15 Matthew cooked me fried rice before going to work. I lifted weights and watched Yellowstone again.

October 16 we went for a car ride in the Alpine loop. We basically just did half and turned back around. Going all the way down to Orem and driving back up felt like too big a chunk of time. I kind of wish we had done it anyway because he fell asleep in the car as expected and then did not transfer from his car seat. I finished Yellowstone. Matthew got groceries.

October 17 we went to Cornbelly’s. Matthew brought the baby, but they could only stay for a little bit before having to head home. I stayed and caught up with Rachel.

October 18 We started solids for AJ’s six month birthday. I cut up some big avocado pieces and rolled them in Panko for him to have an easier grip. He definitely gagged a couple of times which was scary. Matthew missed this because he had to go to work. But AJ skipped his last nap, so he was really grouchy anyway.

October 19 we had his six month pediatrician appointment. Everything went well. I stopped at Splash drinks and treats on the way home, and they have probably the best snickerdoodle I’ve ever had. AJ tried bananas, his second Solid food. I watched Gilmore girls.

October 20 was a rough morning because I slept terribly. I worked from home which was good. I watched Handmaid’s Tale and Gilmore girls. I gave the baby bananas and sweet potato.

October 21 I took the baby to Cornbelly’s for a little bit. It was a rough day with naps and an especially hard evening. I ended up nursing him to comfort him, which I should’ve tried sooner since he fell asleep at the breast. I never think to nurse him for comfort because I make only 1.5 ounces every three hours so I worry that he will not be interested. But he totally was all about nursing, poor guy. I tried giving AJ a chicken leg, but he was back-and-forth fussing about it because he was overtired.

October 22 I broke the rules and brought the baby in my bed to sleep with me after 5 AM. We slept until after eight unintentionally. I did laundry. I took the baby with me to savers for Halloween clothes. I did client check ins and made a new fitness plan and check in sheet for a new client. I gave the baby bananas in the morning, and chicken and avocado in the evening. I FaceTimed my brother who was with the rest of my family. They adore him and I love to watch it.

October 23 I kept pretty busy. AJ was up at his usual 6:20; he had three solid naps, with the last one ending miraculously at 4:40. I prepped my oatmeal for the week, cut pineapple, made chicken salad for lunches, and made teriyaki chicken and rice for dinners. I had hoped to let AJ have more chicken for dinner, but Matthew ate the other leg of the rotisserie chicken, so I gave him avocado again. We grocery shopped. I washed my sheets and blanket. I went through AJ’s clothes and pulled out small ones. I switched out the cat litter. I did dishes and defrosted milk and made bottles. I watched Practical Magic and Edward Scissorhands.

October 24 I lifted weights and had a busy day at work. I left a little bit early so Matthew could go work security. I gave AJ yogurt. I had him in bed shortly after seven. Did my normal nighttime things, cleaning up the highchair, defrosting milk, making bottles, pumping, etc.

October 25 we went to Cornbelly’s right after work. We did not get to stay very long, but it was fun to go and be together in the baby’s last wake window of the day. Kudos to Matthew for packing up the babe and bringing him down. It was a long day because the baby woke up at 3:30am.

October 26 I worked from home. I had therapy which is always good and helpful. Matthew worked security in the evening. The morning was a struggle because the baby woke up again at 3:30! Work was low key, and AJ played well on his own. I did lots of tidying up that night to get ready for my cousin Zoey to babysit, and sent her videos to help.

October 27 AJ woke up at 5:24 which is better than 3:30. I lifted weights. We ate at fire house subs and went to a Yelp event. We had my cousin Zoey watch the baby. He had some random wake ups at 8:30 and 11.

October 28 was my day off work. I went on a short walk alone during AJ‘s first nap. I took the baby over to my neighbor Ashley‘s house to chat with her. She has a two month old baby. We FaceTimed my mom. We went on a long walk with the dog. I gave AJ avocado, and he had a blowout in his highchair. So I got to disassemble all of that to clean while Matthew was at work. I started the weekend cleaning, and did all my normal nighttime things.

October 29 I had a lot of pain. After a mom shared her experience with me and doing some research, I think it was a pulled transverse abdominis or ab muscle. It made everything hard. Breathing, coughing, standing up, walking, holding the baby. AJ’s naps were all wonky this day as well. I felt a tooth on his bottom gums! I gave him a frozen strawberry in a mesh teether. He loved it. Due to wonky naps, he went to bed too late, closer to 8 PM. He woke up after 11 PM. Skipping the dream feed just does not seem to be in our near future.

October 30 The baby woke up at 5 AM due to his late bedtime and probably teething. I did some meal prep: baked pumpkin donuts, oat muffins, egg salad. Matthew went and got groceries. We had a crockpot dinner leftover from before AJ was born. 

October 31 was a good day. I was able to send some donations to a friend whose baby has gone to Heaven. After work I ran to smiths for some things. At home I changed me and AJ into our costumes. After (another crockpot) dinner, we took some photos and took AJ trick or treating around the block. By the last house he was done.

Roland, Jocelyn, and bebe Schitt

I am sad Halloween is over, but looking forward to next year when our little guy will be walking up to doors on his own. Having new insurance kick in was another unexpected obstacle this month; just not the easy transition I was expecting. Overall I feel like we had really great fall weather for a long time. I'm dreading the time change for the baby's sleep schedule (5am wake ups will be delightful). I can't believe how big he's getting. He is so fun to be with and watch. This stage of life is really hard for a lot of reasons, but I try to remember that these are the good old days. We are blessed. 

Books I read in October:
Good to Great by Jim Collins (audiobook)
Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin (audiobook)


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