September in Review

 9/1 I was not able to get back to sleep after I woke up so I went on a walk by myself and then made AJ some breakfast. It was dairy reintroduction day for me so I had scrambled eggs with cheese and also got a breve on our way to the zoo. We had a really great time at the zoo. I had yogurt with a normal whole 30 lunch. I went to the movies to see Harry Potter and the sorcerer's stone by myself which was amazing. I got a decaf shaken espresso afterward, living my best dairy life. I did bath time and bedtime and then went to Cold Stone to finish off my dairy party.

9/2 was an awesome day off. I lifted weights. We took AJ to the park for a picnic. The bees were hovering around me for a few minutes which was terrible. During AJ's nap I painted my toenails and watched the Disney movie Wish. I took AJ to the pool after his nap. We went as a family to Red Basil Thai restaurant which was incredible just for the ambience. I did bathtime and Matthew did bedtime. 

9/3 I did leg day and went to work. I picked up AJ and went to Smith's. We had leftover Thai food. I made some sweet potato fries and some more ranch, but the fries were super disappointing. I cut up pineapple. Matthew did bath time, I did bedtime, followed by dishes, Duolingo, and Financial work. 

9/4 I woke up and went on a run and walk. Work was fine. I stopped to get nothing Bundt cakes after work. We had spaghetti for dinner and I took AJ outside. After bath and bedtime we watched umbrella Academy.

9/5 I snoozed my alarm but was unable to go back to sleep. I finally got my logo done for my Doula business and updated my website. I picked up AJ and lifted weights after work since I missed my morning workout. We did bedtime as a family. 

9/6 I was up early to do leg day. I started work at 7:30 at home. AJ and I went to lunch at vessel kitchen. I cleaned and did laundry while listening to an audiobook during nap time. I took AJ to the pool. I was a hot mess because I started spotting. So I sent Matthew to get us Chinese food, thus ending my whole 30 commitment at dinner time on the final day.

9/7 I woke up and went on a walk, got ready, packed up AJ's things. We left at 8:20 and got to Brigham city at 9:20. We found a great spot at a park to watch the peach days parade. We visited some food tents and picked up some peaches. We drove up to Jared's house to try and get AJ to take a nap, but AJ did not transfer unfortunately. He played happily at Jared's for a couple of hours. We went to Maddox for dinner and got home about 7:15.

9/8 I woke up around seven and took AJ to the park. He found a used condom at the park. I was not calm about it. After eating breakfast and showering we went to Walmart, Paris Baguette, Smith's, and Dutch Bros™. During AJ's nap I worked on my mobile website, added a blog post, and loaded three posts to my Doula Instagram, officially launching it. We went to the pool, ate, watched big hero six, and then did bath and bedtime. We ended the day with the umbrella Academy. 

9/9 I was up at 5:40 to lift weights. I went to work. AJ and I went to Bath and body Works for a couple of things. I made peach cobbler. We did bath and bedtime.

9/10 I was up early for leg day. I had to do an extensive health history intake for the Utah fertility center. We had our team lunch at Mr. Charlie's chicken fingers. I picked up AJ from daycare, and we went to dollar tree and picked up Costa Vida. We went outside, bath, bath time, and Duolingo. Matthew went to a concert with a friend. 

9/11 I was up early to go running and walking. I went to work. AJ and I grabbed mini Bundt cakes. After coming home, changing, and eating really quickly I went to see Harry Potter 3 at the movie theater. I made my fertility teas and Duolingo. 

9/12 I was up early to lift weights and went to work. I got in with an ENT to look at my left ear that was giving me some problems. It was not a fun appointment, but I have not had any issues since. I got a car wash, got gas, and stopped at Costco. I had to go back to the office in Draper to pick up Matthew and AJ because Matthew's car would not start. It turned out to be the battery. I made Funfetti cupcakes for Matthew's birthday, took AJ outside, and did bath time. we did bedtime as a family.

9/13 I was up early to go on a walk. I worked from home. During AJ's nap I cleaned, did laundry, and listened to my audiobook. I frosted Matthew's cupcakes. I blanched, peeled, and froze peaches. I took AJ outside. I got ready to go out. My mom came to watch AJ while Matthew and I went to mint sushi and the movies to see Deadpool. We did cupcakes and his present after we got home.

9/14 I got up and did leg day. I was not feeling very well and took some garlic and honey plus some homeopathic allergy tablets. I did my laundry and AJ's laundry. We went to Paris Baguette and Smith's as a family. I cleaned the floors during AJ's nap. We went to the fair as a family. My throat was really bothering me at the fair.

9/15 AJ woke me up at 7:10. I felt really yucky and took some cough medicine. I took AJ to the park. I tried to take a nap while AJ did, but could not sleep. We went to Dianne's house for dinner. after putting AJ down in bed, I went on a walk to close my exercise ring.

9/16 I was up early to lift weights. We rode together to drop AJ off at my mom's house. I went to work. Set an appointment for acupuncture. I took AJ outside and then did bath and bedtime.

9/17 I was up early day and went to work. I had an acupuncture appointment that took a long time. I made some rice to go with some premade Thai food that we got at the store. I did Duolingo and took AJ outside. I did bath time and Matthew did bedtime.

9/18 I went for a run and walk. I worked, picked up AJ. Matthew made fried rice for dinner. I took AJ outside. We watched the umbrella Academy. I had really bad neck pain on this day.

This is how I react to mosquito bites

9/19 I lifted weights and went to work. I got little Caesars for Matthew and I for lunch, but chose the wrong pick up location and wasted a whole bunch of time. We picked up AJ since Matthew's car was at the mechanic. I did do Duolingo while AJ played outside. Matthew did bath time and I did bedtime.

9/20 I was up early to do leg day. It was a work from home day. I got Starbucks before work. During AJ's nap I did laundry and started cleaning. We went outside after his nap. We went as a family to Red Robin, which I had been wanting for at least three months. I took AJ outside and did his bath. Matthew did bedtime. I was still not feeling recovered from illness. 

9/21 I slept in and walked AJ to the park. We went to Draper Smith's, Donut Star, Dutch Bros, and picked up Matthew's car at the mechanic. During AJ's nap I did some extra cleaning like the high chair, his stool, and the floors of course along with laundry. I took a little bit of time to myself and visited the book box and got myself swig. when I got home, AJ ran across the basketball court to say hello to me. It was really cute. Matthew made lobster tails and cooked the squash we got from my brother. I took AJ outside again. Matthew did bath time, I did bedtime.

9/22 I slept in and did yoga. I met Rachel for coffee at Loki. It was really good. We chatted for three hours, which was way longer than I anticipated. During nap time I did dishes and put away clothes, and meditated. Snacks and had a late lunch. We went as a family to H Mart which was really fun. I FaceTimed both of my parents. Matthew did bath time, and I did bedtime. We watched umbrella Academy.

9/23 I was up early to lift weights. Work was busy, but I had a long break for acupuncture. I picked up AJ, made a flatbread pizza, and took AJ outside. I did bath time, and Matthew did bedtime.

9/24 I was up early for leg day. Work was very busy with two events to prepare for. I picked up AJ, made dinner, and took him outside. Matthew did bath, and I did dishes and bedtime.

9/25 I was up most of the night and well before my alarm to go for a run. My leadership event went well and was focused on the seven habits. I stopped at Walmart and then went home to relieve my mom of duty. I made dinner and took AJ to the playground, then did bath time. Matthew did bedtime.

9/26 I was up early to lift weights, grabbed Starbucks, and went to day two of my leadership event. I facilitated a couple of sessions. We went to Topgolf. I stopped at home real quick. I grabbed a few things and then headed to the office to get Matthew so we could go pick up AJ to go to Cornbelly's for the first time. We did bath and bedtime. 

9/27 I slept until AJ woke up. Since I took the day off, I took him to breakfast at Penny Ann's and then stopped at the office to say hi. We went to Trader Joe's, went home for a minute, and then went on a walk to the park. During AJ's nap I started a new audiobook while cleaning and doing laundry. We went to Starbucks. I cooked salmon, veggies and Idaho and instant potatoes for our dinner. I took AJ outside and then did bath and bedtime. 

Decisions, decisions

9/28 I slept until 7:15 and then lifted weights. I went to Smith's and showered, then we walked over to the Sandy harvest Parade and festival. I got Bruges waffles, and Matthew got Mexican food from a truck. AJ played on the blowup slide. Matthew vacuumed before AJ's nap. I cleaned the floors and listened to my audiobook all day. Matthew made pizza with dough from Trader Joe's. I took AJ outside after dinner and then did bathtime. We did bedtime as a family. I finished laundry and put clean sheets on my bed.

9/29 I slept in until about 7:30. We went as a family to have breakfast at eggs in the city and then drove up to Park city to come back down guardsman pass to see the fall colors. We stopped at Paris Baguette. During nap I painted my toenails, walked on the treadmill, wrote some yelp reviews, and finished my audiobook. After nap we took AJ to the playground. Matthew made hamburger helper for dinner. I took AJ outside again. He climbed all the way to the top of the arch ladder for the first time, which he was so excited about. I did bedtime and bath time.

9/30 I woke up early to lift. Work was incredibly busy. I had acupuncture late in the morning which didn't help my busyness, but it was awesome. Picked up AJ and came home. Matthew made pizza again. We hung out at home. 

Books I read in September:

-One by One by Ruth Ware (mostly done in August) - Audiobook
-The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi - Audiobook
-How to Age Disgracefully by Clare Pooley - Audiobook
-The Stolen Book of Evelyn Aubrey by Serena Burdick - Paperback
-Finlay Donovan #4 by Elle Cosimano - Audiobook
-The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware - Audiobook


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